Authors | Title | Journal | Vol No. | Page Nos. | Pub. Date | Bin No. |
H. Krelman, O. Nefesh, K. Levi, D. Bopp, S. Kang, L. Stern, and J. Kitching | Laser Offset Stabilization with Chip-Scale Atomic Diffractive Elements | APL Photonics | | | | 3286 |
Y. Li, M. Hummon, S. Schima, J. Kitching, and D. SOHN | Wafer-scale fabrication of evacuated alkali vapor cells | Opt. Lett. | | | | 3285 |
J. Kitching, M. Hummon, W. McGehee, Y. Wang, and S. Schima | Next-Generation Chip-Scale Atomic Clocks | Proc. of the 9th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology | | | | 3281 |
J. A. McKelvy, I. Novikova, E. E. Mikhailov, M. A. Moldonado, I. Fan, Y. Li, Y.-J. Wang, J. Kitching, and A. B. Matsko | Application of kernel principal component analysis for optical vector atomic magnetometry | Mach. Learn. Sci. Technol. | 4 | 045048/1-18 | 20231122 | 3261 |
J. A. McKelvy, I. Novikova, E. E. Mikhailov, M. A. Maldonado, I. Fan, Y. Li, Y.-J. Wang, J. Kitching, and A. Matsko | On the Development of an Optical Rubidium Vector Atomic Magnetometer | Proc. 2023 IEEE Intl. Symp. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IGARSS) | | 730-733 | 20230716 | 3254 |
G. Martinez, C. Li, A. Staron, J. Kitching, C. Raman, and W. McGehee | A chip-scale atomic beam clock | Nat. Commun. | 14 | 3501/1-7 | 20230613 | 3222 |
H. Korth, J. E. Kitching, J. W. Bonnell, B. A. Bryce, G. B. Clark, W. K. Edens, C. B. Gardner, W. Rachelson, and A. Slagle | Flight demonstration of a miniature atomic scalar magnetometer based on a microfabricated rubidium vapor cell | Rev. Sci. Instrum. | 94 | 035002/1-12 | 20230303 | 3235 |
J. Pate, J. Kitching, and M. Hummon | Microfabricated strontium atomic vapor cells | Opt. Lett. | 48 | 383-385 | 20230105 | 3212 |
C. Teale, J. Sherman, and J. Kitching | Degenerate Two Photon Rydberg Atom Voltage Reference | AVS Quantum Sci. | 4 | 024403/1-5 | 20220615 | 3153 |
J. W. Pollock, V. I. Yudin, A. V. Taichenachev, M. Y. Basalaev, D. V. Kovalenko, A. Hansen, J. Kitching, and W. R. McGehee | Inhomogenous Light Shifts of Coherent Population Trapping Resonances | App. Phys. Lett. | 120 | 154001/1-6 | 20220413 | 3174 |
A. Hansen, Y-J. Chen, J. Kitching, and E. A. Donley | Point-source atom interferometer gyroscope | Proc. of the Intl. School of Physics ('Enrico Fermi') | 206 | 429-434 | 20211201 | 3152 |
A. Bregazzi, P. F. Griffin, A. S. Arnold, D. P. Burt, G. Martinez, R. Boudot, J. Kitching, E. Riis, and J. P. McGilligan | A simple imaging solution for chip-scale laser cooling | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 119 | 184002/1-5 | 20211101 | 3142 |
Z. L. Newman, V. Maurice, C. Fredrick, T. Fortier, H. Leopardi, L. Hollberg, S. A. Diddams, J. Kitching, and M. T. Hummon | High-performance, compact optical standard | Opt. Lett. | 46 | 4702-4705 | 20210915 | 3132 |
D. G. Bopp, V. N. Maurice, and J. E. Kitching | Wafer-level fabrication of alkali vapor cells using in-situ atomic deposition | J. Phys. Photonics | 3 | 015002/1-7 | 20201214 | 3106 |
Y. J. Chen, A. L. Hansen, M. Shuker, R. Boudot, J. Kitching, and E. A. Donley | Robust inertial sensing with point-source atom interferometry for interferograms spanning a partial period | Opt. Express | 28 | 34516-34529 | 20201109 | 3062 |
R. Boudot, J. P. McGilligan, K. R. Moore, V. Maurice, G. D. Martinez, A. Hansen, E. de Clercq, and J. Kitching | Enhanced observation time of magneto-optical traps using micro-machined non-evaporable getter pumps | Scientific Reports | 10 | 16590/1-8 | 20201006 | 3114 |
M. A. Hafiz, R. Vicarini, N. Passilly, C. Calosso, V. N. Maurice, J. W. Pollock, V. Yudin, J. Kitching, and R. Boudot | Protocol for Light-Shift Compensation in a Continuous-Wave Microcell Atomic Clock | Phys. Rev. Appl. | 14 | 034015/1-9 | 20200908 | 3101 |
V. Maurice, Z. L. Newman, S. Dickerson, M. Rivers, J. Hsiao, P. Greene, M. Mescher, J. Kitching, M. T. Hummon, and C. Johnson | Miniaturized optical frequency reference for next generation portable optical clocks | Opt. Express | 28 | 24708-24720 | 20200817 | 3074 |
J. P. McGilligan, K. R. Moore, A. Dellis, G. D. Martinez, E. De Clercq, P. F. Griffin, A. S. Arnold, E. Riis, R. Boudot, and J. Kitching | Laser-cooling in a chip-scale platform | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 117 | 054001/1-4 | 20200803 | 3102 |
V. I. Yudin, M. Y. Basalaev, A. V. Taichenachev, J. W. Pollock, Z. L. Newman, M. Shuker, A. L. Hansen, M. T. Hummon, E. A. Donley, and J. Kitching | General Methods for Suppressing the Light Shift in Atomic Clocks Using Power Modulation | Phys. Rev. Appl. | 14 | 024001/1-8 | 20200803 | 3095 |
R. Zetzker, M. T. Hummon, L. Stern, Y. Barash, N. Mazurski, J. E. Kitching, and U. Levy | A Chip-Scale Optical Frequency Reference for the Telecommunication Band based on Acetylene | Laser Photonics Rev. | 14 | 1900414/1-7 | 20200601 | 3069 |
J. P. McGilligan, K. R. Moore, S. Kang, R. Mott, A. Mis, C. Roper, E. A. Donley, and J. Kitching | Dynamic Characterization of an Alkali-Ion-Battery as a Source for Laser-Cooled Atoms | Phys. Rev. Appl. | 13 | 044038/1-7 | 20200414 | 3064 |
W. Zhang, L. Stern, D. Carlson, D. Bopp, Z. Newman, S. Kang, J. Kitching, and S. B. Papp | Ultranarrow linewidth photonic-atomic laser | Laser Photonics Rev. | 14 | 1900293/1-7 | 20200301 | 3060 |
L. Stern, J. R. Stone, S. Kang, D. C. Cole, M. Suh, C. Fredrick, Z. Newman, K. Vahala, J. Kitching, S. A. Diddams, and S. B. Papp | Direct Kerr-frequency-comb atomic spectroscopy and stabilization | Science Advances | 6 | eaax6230/1-6 | 20200228 | 3023 |
D. G. Bopp, E. Taylor, K. Le, S. Schima, M. T. Hummon, and J. Kitching | Atomic Flux Circuits | Proc. 2020 SPIE | 11296 | 112961O/1-6 | 20200225 | 3220 |
J. T. Robinson, E. Pohlmeyer, M. C. Gather, C. Kemere, J. E. Kitching, G. G. Malliaras, A. Marblestone, K. L. Shepard, T. Stieglitz, C. Xie | Developing Next-Generation Brain Sensing Technologies � A Review | IEEE Sens. J. | 19 | 10163-10175 | 20191115 | 3051 |
M. Shuker, J. W. Pollock, V. I. Yudin, J. E. Kitching, and E. A. Donley | Optical pumping, decay rates and light shifts of cold-atom dark states | Physics arXiv | | 6 p. | 20190905 | 3061 |
J. D. Elgin, T. P. Heavner, J. Kitching, E. A. Donley, J. Denney, and E. Salim | A cold-atom beam clock based on coherent population trapping | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 115 | 033503/1-5 | 20190717 | 3020 |
L. Stern, D. Bopp, S. Schima, V. N. Maurice, and J. Kitching | Chip-scale atomic diffractive optical elements | Nat. Commun. | 10 | 3156/1-7 | 20190717 | 2990 |
Y-J. Chen, A. Hansen, G. W. Hoth, E. Ivanov, B. Pelle, J. Kitching, and E. A. Donley | Single-source multiaxis cold-atom interferometer in a centimeter-scale cell | Phys. Rev. Appl. | 12 | 014019/1-10 | 20190711 | 3027 |
S. Kang, K. R. Moore, J. P. McGillgian, R. Mott, A. Mis, C. Roper, E. A. Donley, and J. Kitching | Magneto-optic trap using a reversible, solid-state alkali-metal source | Opt. Lett. | 44 | 3002-3005 | 20190615 | 3000 |
Z. L. Newman, V. Maurice, T. E. Drake, J. R. Stone, T. C. Briles, D. T. Spencer, C. Fredrick, Q. Li, D. A. Westly, B. R. Illic, B. Shen, M.-G Shuh, K. Y. Yang, C. Johnson, D. M. S. Johnson, L. Hollberg, K. Vahala, K. Srinivasan, S. A. Diddams, J. Kitching, S. B. Papp, and M. T. Hummon | Architecture for the photonic integration of an optical atomic clock | Optica | 6 | 680-685 | 20190520 | 2947 |
M. Shuker, J. W. Pollock, J. Kitching, E. A. Donley, V. I. Yudin, R. Boudot, and A. V. Taichenachev | Light-Shift Suppression with Novel Variants of Adaptive Ramsey Spectroscopy | Proc. 2019 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 3 p. | 20190415 | 3057 |
J. P. McGilligan, K. R. Moore, R. Boudot, P. F. Griffin, A. S. Arnold, E. Riis, E. A. Donley, and J. Kitching | Two-Photon Imaging of a Magneto-Optical Trap in a Micro-Fabricated Cell for Cold-Atom Sensors | Proc. 2019 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 2 p. | 20190415 | 3054 |
M. Shuker, J. W. Pollock, R. Boudot, V. I. Yudin, A. V. Taichenachev, J. Kitching, and E. A. Donley | Reduction of light shifts in Ramsey spectroscopy with a combined error signal | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 114 | 141106/1-5 | 20190411 | 3037 |
M. Shuker, J. W. Pollock, R. Boudot, V. I. Yudin, A. V. Taichenachev, J. Kitching, and E. A. Donley | Ramsey spectroscopy with displaced frequency jumps | Phys. Rev. Lett. | 122 | 113601/1-6 | 20190319 | 3026 |
V. I. Yudin, A. V. Taichenachev, M. Y. Baselaev, T. Zanon-Willette, J. W. Pollock, M. Shuker, E. A. Donley, and J. Kitching | Combined error signal in Ramsey spectroscopy of clock transitions | New J. Phys. | 20 | 123016/1-12 | 20181218 | 2992 |
J. W. Pollock, V. I. Yudin, M. Shuker, M. Y. Basalaev, A. V. Taichenachev, X. Liu, J. Kitching, and E. A. Donley | ac Stark shifts of dark resonances probed with Ramsey spectroscopy | Phys. Rev. A | 98 | 053424/1-7 | 20181116 | 2965 |
J. Kitching | Chip-Scale Atomic Devices | Appl. Phys. Rev. | 5 | 031302/1-38 | 20180814 | 2949 |
J. Kitching | Molecular clock redux in miniature | Nature Electronics | 1 | 384-385 | 20180713 | 3030 |
V. I. Yudin, A. V. Taichenachev, M. Y. Basalaev, T. Zanon-Willette, J. W. Pollock, M. Shuker, E. A. Donley, and J. Kitching | Generalized Autobalanced Ramsey Spectroscopy of Clock Transitions | Phys. Rev. A | 9 | 054034/1-11 | 20180523 | 2942 |
J. D. Elgin, T. P. Heavner, J. Kitching, E. A. Donley, J. Denney, and E. Salim | A Code Atomic Beam Ramsey CPT Clock | Proc. 2018 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 2 p. | 20180521 | 3033 |
M. T. Hummon, S. Kang, D. G. Bopp, Q. Li, D. A. Westly, S. Kim, C. Fredrick, S. A. Diddams, K. Srinivasan, V. Aksyuk, and J. E. Kitching | Photonic chip for laser stabilization to an atomic vapor with 10^-11 instability | Optica | 5 | 443-449 | 20180411 | 2945 |
S. Kang, R. P. Mott, A. V. Mis, C. S. Roper, E. A. Donley, and J. Kitching | Active stabilization of alkali-atom vapor density with a solid-state electrochemical alkali-atom source | Opt. Express | 26 | 3696-3701 | 20180205 | 2931 |
X. Liu, V. I. Yudin, A. V. Taichenachev, J. Kitching, and E. A. Donley | High contrast dark resonances in a cold-atom clock probed with counterpropagating circularly polarized beams | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 111 | 224102/1-5 | 20171129 | 2918 |
X. Liu, E. Ivanov, V. I. Yudin, J. Kitching, and E. A. Donley | Low-Drift Coherent Population Trapping Clock Based on Laser-Cooled Atoms and High-Coherence Excitation Fields | Phys. Rev. Appl. | 8 | 054001/1-7 | 20171102 | 2919 |
S. Kang, R. P. Mott, K. A. Gilmore, L. D. Sorenson, M. T. Rakher, E. A. Donley, J. Kitching, and C. S. Roper | A low-power reversible alkali atom source | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 110 | 244101/1-5 | 20170613 | 2906 |
O. Alem, R. Mhaskar, R. Jimenez-Martinez, D. Sheng, J. LeBlanc, L. Trahms, T. Sander, J. Kitching, and S. Knappe | Magnetic field imaging with microfabricated optically-pumped magnetometers | Opt. Express | 25 | 7849-7858 | 20170328 | 2872 |
G. W. Hoth, B. Pelle, J. Kitching, and E. A. Donley | Trade-offs in Size and Performance for a Point Source Interferometer Gyroscope | Proc. 2017 IEEE Intl. Symp. on Inertial Sensors and Systems | | 4 p. | 20170327 | 2901 |
D. J. Kennedy, S. J. Seltzer, R. Jimenez-Martinez, H. L. Ring, N. S. Malacek, S. Knappe, E. A. Donley, J. Kitching, V. S. Bajaj, and A. Pines | An optimized microfabricated platform for the optical generation and detections of hyperpolarized 129Xe | Nature Sci. Rep. | 7 | 43994/1-10 | 20170307 | 2826 |
G. W. Hoth, B. Pelle, J. Kitching, and E. A. Donley | Analytical Tools for Point Source Interferometry | Proc. 2017 SPIE | 10119 | 1011998/1-13 | 20170220 | 2888 |
D. Sheng, A. R. Perry, S. P. Krzyzewski, S. Geller, J. Kitching, and S. Knappe | A microfabricated optically-pumped magnetic gradiometer | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 110 | 031106/1-4 | 20170118 | 2873 |
G. W. Hoth, B. Pelle, S. Riedl, J. Kitching, and E. A. Donley | Point source atom interferometry with a cloud of finite size | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 1009 | 071113/1-4 | 20160819 | 2849 |
H. Korth, K. Strohbehn, F. Tejada, A. G. Andreou, J. Kitching, S. Knappe, S. J. Lehtonen, S. M. London, and M. Kafel | Miniature atomic scalar magnetometer for space based on the rubidium isotope 87Rb | J. Geophys. Res-Space | 121 | 1-11 | 20160803 | 2811 |
W. Loh, M. T. Hummon, H. F. Leopardi, T. M. Fortier, F. Quinlan, J. Kitching, S. B. Papp, and S. A. Diddams | Microresonator Brillouin laser stabilization using a microfabricated rubidium cell | Opt. Express | 24 | 14513-14524 | 20160617 | 2845 |
A. T. Dellis, V. Shah, E. A. Donley, S. Knappe, and J. Kitching | Low Helium Permeation Cells for Atomic Microsystems Technology | Opt. Lett. | 41 | 2775-2778 | 20160615 | 2830 |
X. Liu, E. Ivanov, J. Kitching, and E. A. Donley | Frequency shift mitigation in a cold-atom CPT clock | Proc. 2016 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 3 p. | 20160509 | 2850 |
B. Pelle, G. W. Hoth, S. Reidl, J. Kitching, and E. A. Donley | Extended Source Interferometry in the Compact Regime | Proc. 2016 EFTF Conf. | | 4 p. | 20160404 | 2842 |
J. Kitching, E. A. Donley, S. Knappe, M. Hummon, A. Dellis, J. Sherman, K. Srinivasan, V. Aksyuk, Q. Li, D. Westly, B. Roxworthy, and A. Lal | NIST on a Chip: Realizing SI units with microfabricated alkali vapour cells | Proc. 2015 Symp. Freq. Stds. Metrology | 723 | 7 p. | 20151012 | 2817 |
S. Knappe, O. Alem, D. Sheng, and J. Kitching | Microfabricated Optically-Pumped Magnetometers for Biomedical Applications | Proc. 2015 Symp. Freq. Stds. Metrology | 723 | 6 p. | 20151012 | 2814 |
S. Riedl, G. Hoth, B. Pelle, J. Kitching, and E. A. Donley | Compact atom-interferometer gyroscope based on an expanding ball of atoms | Proc. 2015 Symp. Freq. Stds. Metrology | 723 | 6 p. | 20151012 | 2812 |
C. Montoya, J. Valencia, A. A. Geracia, M. Eardley, J. Moreland, and J. Kitching | Resonant interaction of trapped cold atoms with a magnetic cantilever tip | Phys. Rev. A | 91 | 063835/1-5 | 20150626 | 2770 |
O. Alem, T. H. Sander, R. Mhaskar, J. LeBlanc, H. Eswaran, U. Steinhoff, Y. Okada, J. Kitching, L. Trahms, and S. Knappe | Fetal magnetocardiography measurements with a multichannel microfabricated atomic magnetometer array | Phys. Med. Biol. | 60 | 4797-4811 | 20150603 | 2731 |
E. Blanshan, E. A. Donley, and J. Kitching | Light shifts in a pulsed cold-atom coherent population trapping clock | Phys. Rev. A | 91 | 041401/1-6 | 20150410 | 2749 |
O. Alem, A. M. Benison, D. S. Barth, S. Knappe, and J. Kitching | Magnetoencephalography of Epilepsy with a Microfabricated Atomic Magnetrode | J. Neurosci. | 34 | 14324-14327 | 20141022 | 2736 |
P. J. Ganssle, H. D. Shin, S. J. Seltzer, V. S. Bajaj, M. P. Ledbetter, D. Budker, S. Knappe, J. Kitching, and A. Pines | Ultra-Low-Field NMR Relaxation and Diffusion Measurements Using an Optical Magnetometer | Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. | 53 | 9766-9770 | 20140731 | 2694 |
E. A. Donley, E. Blanshan, F.-X. Esnault, and J. Kitching | Frequency Biases in a Cold-Atom Coherent Population Trapping Clock | Proc. 2014 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 1 p. | 20140522 | 2727 |
R. Jim�nez-Mart�nez, D. J. Kennedy, M. Rosenbluh, E. A. Donley, S. Knappe, S. J. Seltzer, H. L. Ring, V. S. Bajaj, and J. Kitching | Optical hyperpolarizaiton and NMR detection of 129Xe on a microfluid chip | Nat. Commun. | 5 | 6 p. | 20140520 | 2681 |
R. Jim�nez-Mart�nez, S. Knappe, and J. Kitching | An optically-modulated zero-field atomic magnetometer with suppressed spin-exchange broadening | Rev. Sci. Instrum. | 85 | 045124-5 | 20140429 | 2690 |
F.-X. Esnault, E. Blanshan, E. N. Ivanov, R. E. Scholten, E. A. Donley, and J. Kitching | Cold-atom double-lambda coherent population trapping clock | Phys. Rev. A | 88 | 042120-5 | 20131031 | 2682 |
E. A. Donley, F.-X. Esnault, E. Blanshan, and J. Kitching | Cancellation of Doppler Shifts in a Cold-Atom CPT Clock | 2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium | | 445-447 | 20130725 | 2692 |
E. A. Donley and J. Kitching | Nuclear magnetic resonance gyroscopes | Optical Magnetometry | 19 | 369-386 | 20130415 | 2611 |
S. Knappe and J. Kitching | Microfabricated Atomic Magnetometers | Optical Magnetometry | 7 | 125-141 | 20130415 | 2569 |
G. W. Hoth, E. A. Donley, and J. Kitching | Atom numbers in magneto-optic traps with mm-scale beams | Opt. Lett. | 38 | 661-663 | 20130222 | 2666 |
J. Kitching, S. Knappe, J. Preusser, and V. Gerginov | Atomic Magnetometer and Method of Sensing Magnetic Fields | United States Patent No. 8,334,690 B2 | | 15 p. | 20121218 | 2794 |
R. Mhaskar, S. Knappe, and J. Kitching | A low-power, high-sensitivity micromachined optical magnetometer | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 101 | 241105-4 | 20121211 | 2648 |
R. Jimenez-Martinez, W. C. Griffith, S. Knappe, J. Kitching, and M. Prouty | High-bandwidth optical magnetometer | J. Opt. Soc. Am. B | 29 | 3398-3403 | 20121128 | 2594 |
E. A. Donley, F.-X. Esnault, E. Blanshan, and J. Kitching | A Cold-Atom Clock Based on Coherent Population Trapping | Proc. 2012 PTTI Mtg. | | 327-334 | 20121126 | 2664 |
F.-X. Esnault, J. Kitching, and E. A. Donley | A Compact Cold-Atom Frequency Standard Based on Coherent Population Trapping | Proc. 2012 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 697-699 | 20120524 | 2636 |
T. H. Sander, J. Preusser, R. Mhaskar, J. Kitching, L. Trahms, and S. Knappe | Magnetoencephalography with a chip-scale atomic magnetometer | Biomed. Opt. Express | 3 | 981-990 | 20120417 | 2595 |
T. C. Liebisch, E. Blanshan, E. A. Donley, and J. Kitching | Atom-number amplification in a magneto-optical trap via stimulated light forces | Phys. Rev. A | 85 | 013407-4 | 20120110 | 2581 |
S. Knappe, R. Mhaskar, J. Preusser, J. Kitching, L. Trahms, and T. Sander | Chip-scale room-temperature atomic magnetometers for biomedical measurements | IFMBE Proc. | 37 | 1330-1333 | 20110914 | 2532 |
J. Kitching, S. Knappe, and E. Donley | Atomic Sensors - A Review | IEEE Sens. J. | 11 | 1749-1758 | 20110901 | 2502 |
D. Maser, S. Pandey, H. Ring, M. P. Ledbetter, S. Knappe, J. Kitching, and D. Budker | Note: Detection of a single cobalt microparticle with a microfabricated atomic magnetometer | Rev. Sci. Instrum. | 82 | 086112-3 | 20110823 | 2543 |
M. P. Ledbetter, I. M. Savukov, D. Budker, V. K. Shah, S. Knappe, J. Kitching, D. J. Michalak, S. Xu, and A. Pines | Integrated microchip incorporating atomic magnetometers and microfluidic channels for detection of NMR and MRI | United States Patent - No. 7,994,783 | | 8 p. | 20110809 | 2583 |
T. C. Liebisch, E. Blanshan, E. A. Donley, and J. Kitching | MOT Loading Enhancement with Stimulated Light Forces | Proc. 2011 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 808-810 | 20110502 | 2551 |
F.-X. Esnault, E. A. Donley, J. Kitching, and E. N. Ivanov | Status of a compact cold-atom CPT frequency standard | Proc. 2011 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 612-614 | 20110502 | 2550 |
T. Theis, P. Ganssle, G. Kervem, S. Knappe, J. Kitching, M. P. Ledbetter, D. Budker, and A. Pines | Parahydrogen-enhanced zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance | Nat. Phys. | 10 | 1-5 | 20110501 | 2480 |
J. Kitching, E. A. Donley, E. Hodby, A. Shkel, and J. Eklund | Compact atomic magnetometer and gyroscope based on a diverging laser beam | United States Patent - No. 7,872,473 | | 17 p. | 20110118 | 2584 |
W. C. Griffith, S. Knappe, and J. Kitching | Femtotesla atomic magnetometry in a microfabricated vapor cell | Opt. Express | 18 | 27167-27172 | 20101220 | 2475 |
S. Knappe, T. H. Sander, O. Kosch, F. Wiekhorst, J. Kitching and L. Trahms | Cross-validation of microfabricated atomic magnetometers with superconducting quantum interference devices for biomagnetic applications | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 97 | 133703-3 | 20100928 | 2459 |
A. A. Geraci, S. B. Papp, and J. Kitching | Short-Range Force Detection Using Optically Cooled Levitated Microspheres | Phys. Rev. Lett. | 105 | 101101-4 | 20100903 | 2458 |
H. Korth, K. Strohbehn, F. Tejada, A. Andreou, S. McVeigh, J. Kitching, and S. Knappe | Chip-Scale Absolute Scalar Magnetometer for Space Applications | J. Hopkins APL Tech. D. | 28 | 248-249 | 20100901 | 2703 |
V. Shah and J. Kitching | Advances in Coherent Population Trapping for Atomic Clocks | Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics | 59 | 21-74 | 20100810 | 2445 |
R. Mhaskar, S. Knappe, and J. Kitching | Low-Frequency Characterization of MEMS-based Portable Atomic Magnetometer | Proc. 2010 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 376-379 | 20100602 | 2470 |
E. A. Donley, T. C. Liebisch, E. Blanshan, and J. Kitching | Number Enhancement for Compact Laser-Cooled Atomic Samples by use of Stimulated Radiation Forces | Proc. 2010 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 125-128 | 20100602 | 2463 |
F. Esnault, E. A. Donley, and J. Kitching | Towards a compact cold atom frequency standard based on coherent population trapping | Proc. 2010 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 465-469 | 20100602 | 2462 |
R. Jimenez, W. C. Griffith, Y. Wang, S. Knappe, J. Kitching, K. Smith, and M. Prouty | Sensitivity Comparison of Mx and Frequency Modulated Bell-Bloom Cs Magnetometers in a Micro-Fabricated Cell | IEEE. T. Instrum. Meas. | 59 | 372-378 | 20100201 | 2331 |
J. Kitching, S. Knappe, W. C. Griffith, J. Preusser, V. Gerginov, P. D. Schwindt, V. Shah, R. Jimenez | Uncooled, Millimeter-Scale Atomic Magnetometers with Femtotesla Sensitivity | Proc. 2009 IEEE Sensors Conf. | | 1844-1847 | 20091025 | 2378 |
A. A. Geraci and J. Kitching | Ultracold mechanical resonators coupled to atoms in an optical lattice | Phys. Rev. | 80 | 032317 (5) | 20090917 | 2373 |
R. Jimenez, S. Knappe, W. C. Griffith, and J. Kitching | Conversion of laser-frequency noise to optical-rotation noise in cesium vapor | Opt. Lett. | 34 | 2519-2521 | 20090815 | 2365 |
J. Preusser, S. Knappe, V. Gerginov, and J. Kitching | A microfabricated photonic magnetometer | Proc. 2009 Conf. Lasers and Electro-Optics | | 1 P. | 20090614 | 2454 |
M. A. Perez, U. Nguyen, S. Knappe, E. A. Donley, J. Kitching and A. M. Shkel | Rubidium vapor cell with integrated Bragg reflectors for compact atomic MEMS | Sensor Actuat A- Phys | 154 | 295-303 | 20090609 | 2291 |
J. Preusser, S. Knappe, J. Kitching, and V. Gerginov | A microfabricated photonic magnetometer | Proc. 2009 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 1180-1182 | 20090420 | 2369 |
M. P. Ledbetter, C. W. Crawford, A. Pines, D. E. Wemmer, S. Knappe. J. Kitching, and D. Budker | Optical detection of NMR J-spectra at zero magnetic field | J. Magn. Reson. | 199 | 25-29 | 20090328 | 2329 |
H. Yu, C. Lee, W. Pang, H. Zhang, A. Brannon, J. Kitching, and E. S. Kim | HBAR-Based 3.6 GHz Oscillator with Low Power Consumption and Low Phase Noise | IEEE T. Ultrason. Ferr. | 56 | 400-403 | 20090201 | 2277 |
E. A. Donley, J. Long, T. C. Liebisch, E. Hodby, T. Fisher, and J. Kitching | Nuclear quadrupole resonances in compact vapor cells: The crossover between the NMR and the nuclear quadrupole resonance interaction regimes | Phys. Rev. A. | 79 | 013420-5 | 20090122 | 2325 |
W. C. Griffith, R. Jimenez, V. Shah, S. Knappe, and J. Kitching | Miniature atomic magnetometer integrated with flux concentrators | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 94 | 023502-3 | 20090114 | 2335 |
J. Preusser, V. Gerginov, S. Knappe, and J. Kitching | A microfabricated photonic magnetometer | Proc. 2008 IEEE Sensors Conf. | | 3 p. | 20081026 | 2317 |
M. Perez, J. Kitching, and A. Shkel | Design and Demonstration of PECVD Angled Multilayer Dielectric Mirrors Optimized for Micromachined Cavity Sidewalls | Sensors and Actuators A: Physical | 155 | 23-32 | 20081025 | 2318 |
J. Kitching, S. Knappe, V. Gerginov, V. Shah, P. D. Schwindt, B. Lindseth, E. A. Donley, Y. J. Wang, E. Hodby, M. Eardley, R. Jimenez, W. C. Griffith, A. Geraci, J. Preusser, T. C. Liebisch, H. G. Robinson and L. Hollberg | Chip-scale atomic devices: precision atomic instruments based on MEMS | Proc. 2008 Symp. Freq. Stds. Metrology | | 445-453 | 20081005 | 2338 |
Y. W. Yi, H. G. Robinson, S. Knappe, J. Maclennan, C. D. Jones, C. Zhu, N. A. Clark, and J. Kitching | Method for characterizing self-assembled monolayers as antirelaxation wall coatings for alkali vapor cells | J. Appl. Phys. | 104 | 7 p. | 20080730 | 2263 |
V. Gerginov, S. Knappe, V. Shah, L. Hollberg, and J. Kitching | Laser Noise Cancellation in Single-Cell CPT Clocks | IEEE T. Instrum. Meas. | 57 | 1357-1361 | 20080701 | 2214 |
M. A. Perez, J. Kitching, and A. M. Shkel | Robust Optical Design of Angled Multilayer Dielectric Mirrors Optimized for Rubidium Vapor Cell Return Reflection | Proc. 2008 Sensors and Actuators Conf. | | 296-299 | 20080601 | 2286 |
J. Kitching, S. Knappe, V. Shah, P. D. Schwindt, W. C. Griffith, R. Jimenez, J. Preusser, L. A. Liew, and J. M. Moreland | Microfabricated Atomic Magnetometers and Applications | Proc. 2008 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 789-794 | 20080519 | 2309 |
M. P. Ledbetter, I. M. Savukov, D. Budker, V. Shah, S. Knappe, J. Kitching, S. Xu, D. Michalak, and A. Pines | Optical Microchip Detection of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance | Proc. 2008 Conf. Lasers and Electro-Optics | | 2 p. | 20080504 | 2316 |
E. J. Eklund, A. M. Shkel, S. Knappe, E. A. Donley, and J. Kitching | Glass-blown spherical microcells for chip-scale atomic devices | Sensors and Actuators A: Physical | 143 | 175-180 | 20080502 | 2226 |
M. P. Ledbetter, I. M. Savukov, D. Budker, V. Shah, S. Knappe, J. Kitching, D. Michalak, S. Xu, and A. Pines | Zero-field remote detection of NMR with a microfabricated atomic magnetometer | Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. | 105 | 2286-2290 | 20080219 | 2258 |
M. A. Perez, U. Nguyen, S. Knappe, E. A. Donley, and J. Kitching, and A. M. Shkel | Rubidium Vapor Cell with Integrated Nonmetallic Multilayer Reflectors | Proc. 2008 MEMS | | 790-793 | 20080113 | 2268 |
J. Kitching | Time for a Better Receiver: Chip-Scale Atomic Frequency References | GPS World | 18 | 52-57 | 20071101 | 2267 |
V. Shah, S. Knappe, P. D. Schwindt, and J. Kitching | Subpicotesla atomic magnetometry with a microfabricated vapor cell | Nat. Photonics | 1 | 649-652 | 20071101 | 2219 |
B. Lindseth, P. D. Schwindt, J. Kitching, D. Fischer, and V. Shusterman | Non-Contact Measurement of Cardiac Electromagnetic Field in Mice Using a Microfabricated Atomic Magnetometer | Proc. 2007 Conf. Computers in Cardiology | | 4 p. | 20070930 | 2259 |
S. Knappe, V. Shah, A. Brannon, V. Gerginov, H. G. Robinson, Z. Popovic, L. Hollberg and J. Kitching | Advances in Chip-Scale Atomic Frequency References at NIST | Proc. 2007 SPIE Conf. | 6673 | 10 p. | 20070912 | 2253 |
E. A. Donley, E. Hodby, L. Hollberg, and J. Kitching | Demonstration of high-performance compact magnetic shields for chip-scale atomic devices | Rev. Sci. Instrum. | 78 | 083102 (7) | 20070814 | 2224 |
E. Hodby, E. A. Donley, and J. Kitching | Differential atomic magnetometry based on a diverging laser beam | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 91 | 011109-3 | 20070703 | 2215 |
V. Shah, S. Knappe, L. Hollberg and J. Kitching | Generation of coherent population trapping resonances with nearly 100% transmission contrast | Proc. 2007 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 1339-1341 | 20070529 | 2244 |
A. Brannon, V. Shah, Z. Popovic, V. Gerginov, S. Knappe, L. Hollberg and J. Kitching | Self-Injection Locking of a Low-Power Microwave Oscillator by Using Four-Wave Mixing in an Atomic Vapor | Proc. 2007 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 275-278 | 20070529 | 2232 |
V. Shah, S. Knappe, L. Hollberg, and J. Kitching | High-contrast coherent population trapping resonances using four-wave mixing in 87Rb | Opt. Lett. | 32 | 1244-1246 | 20070515 | 2190 |
P. D. Schwindt, B. Lindseth, S. Knappe, V. Shah, J. Kitching, and L. Liew | Chip-scale atomic magnetometer with improved sensitivity by use of the Mx technique | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 90 | 081102-3 | 20070221 | 2176 |
S. Knappe, V. Gerginov, V. Shah, A. Brannon, H. G. Robinson, L. Hollberg, and J. Kitching | Long-term Stability of the NIST Chip-Scale Atomic Clock Physics Packages | Proc. 2007 SPIE Conf. | 6466 | 9 p. | 20070124 | 2196 |
E. J. Eklund, A. M. Shkel, S. Knappe, E. A. Donley, and J. Kitching | Spherical Rubidium Vapor Cells Fabricated By Micro Glass Blowing | Proc. 2007 MEMS | | 171-174 | 20070121 | 2200 |
S. Knappe, V. Shah, V. Gerginov, A. Brannon, L. Hollberg and J. Kitching | Long-term Stability of NIST Chip-Scale Atomic Clock Physics Package | Proc. 2006 PTTI Mtg. | | 241-249 | 20061205 | 2202 |
Y. Wang, M. Eardley, S. Knappe, J. M. Moreland, L. Hollberg, and J. Kitching | Magnetic Resonance in an Atomic Vapor Excited by a Mechanical Resonators | Phys. Rev. Lett. | 97 | 227602-4 | 20061201 | 2128 |
A. Brannon, V. Gerginov, S. Knappe, Z. Popovic, and J. Kitching | System-Level Integration of a Chip-Scale Atomic Clock: Microwave Oscillator and Physics Package | Proc. 2006 IEEE Multiconference on Electronics and Photonics | | 118-121 | 20061107 | 2188 |
V. Shah, V. Gerginov, P. D. Schwindt, S. Knappe, L. Hollberg, and J. Kitching | Continuous light-shift correction in modulated coherent population trapping clocks | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 89 | 151124-3 | 20061013 | 2169 |
S. Knappe, P. D. Schwindt, V. Gerginov, V. Shah, A. Brannon, B. Lindseth, L. Liew, H. G. Robinson, J. M. Moreland, Z. Popovic, L. Hollberg and J. Kitching | Chip-scale atomic devices at NIST | Proc. 2006 SPIE Conf. | 6604 | 8 p. | 20060918 | 2183 |
V. Gerginov, S. Knappe, V. Shah, J. Kitching, and L. Hollberg | Reduction of optical field noise by differential detection in atomic clocks based on coherent population trapping | Proc. 2006 SPIE Conf. | 6604 | 5 p. | 20060908 | 2191 |
V. Shah, S. Knappe, P. D. Schwindt, V. Gerginov, and J. Kitching | Compact phase delay technique for increasing the amplitude of coherent population trapping resonances in open Lambda systems | Opt. Lett. | 31 | 2335-2337 | 20060801 | 2076 |
M. Rosenbluh, V. Shah, S. Knappe, and J. Kitching | Differentially detected coherent population trapping resonances excited by orthogonally polarized laser fields | Opt. Express | 14 | 6588-6594 | 20060724 | 2114 |
V. Gerginov, V. Shah, S. Knappe, L. Hollberg and J. Kitching | Atom-based stabilization for laser-pumped atomic clocks | Opt. Lett. | 31 | 1851-1853 | 20060615 | 2124 |
V. Shah, P. D. Schwindt, V. Gerginov, S. Knappe, L. Hollberg, and J. Kitching | Active light shift stabilization in modulated CPT clocks | Proc. 2006 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 699-701 | 20060605 | 2161 |
A. Brannon, M. Jankovic, J. Breitbarth, Z. Popovic, V. Gerginov, V. Shah, S. Knappe, L. Hollberg, and J. Kitching | A Local Oscillator for Chip-Scale Atomic Clocks at NIST | Proc. 2006 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 443-447 | 20060605 | 2160 |
J. Kitching, S. Knappe, P. D. Schwindt, Y. Wang, H. G. Robinson, L. Hollberg, L. Liew, J. M. Moreland, A. Brannon, J. Breitbath, B. Lindseth, Z. Popovic, V. Shah, V. Gerginov, and M. Eardley | Chip-Scale Atomic Devices | Proc. 2006 Solid-State Senors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop | | 108-113 | 20060604 | 2129 |
M. V. Balabas, D. Budker, J. Kitching, P. D. Schwindt, and J. Stalnaker | Magnetometry with millimeter-scale antirelaxation-coated alkali-metal vapor cells | J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. | 23 | 1001-1006 | 20060601 | 2106 |
V. Gerginov, S. Knappe, P. Schwindt, V. Shah, L. Hollberg and J. Kitching | Long-term frequency instability of atomic frequency references based on coherent population trapping and microfabricated vapor cells | J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. | 23 | 593-597 | 20060401 | 2080 |
V. Gerginov, V. Shah, S. Knappe, L. Hollberg, and J. Kitching | Atom-based stabilization for laser-pumped atomic clocks | Proc. 2006 EFTF Conf. | | 224-228 | 20060327 | 2137 |
P. Schwindt, L. Hollberg, and J. Kitching | Self-oscillating rubidium magnetometer using nonlinear magneto-optical rotation | Rev. Sci. Instrum. | 76 | 126103 (4) | 20051214 | 2070 |
P. Schwindt, S. Knappe, V. Shah, L. Hollberg, J. Kitching, L. Liew, and J. Moreland | Microfabricated Atomic Magnetometers | Proc. 2005 IEEE Sensors Conf. | | 73-76 | 20051031 | 2099 |
J. Kitching, S. Knappe, L. Liew, P. Schwindt, V. Gerginov, V. Shah, J. Moreland, a. Brannon, J. Breitbarth, Z. Popovic, and L. Hollberg | Chip-Scale Atomic Frequency References | Proc. 2005 ION GNSS Mtg. | | 1662-1669 | 20050916 | 2100 |
S. Knappe, V. Gerginov, P. Schwindt, V. Shah, H. G. Robinson, L. Hollberg and J. Kitching | Atomic vapor cells for chip-scale atomic clocks with improved long-term frequency stability | Opt. Lett. | 30 | 2351-2353 | 20050915 | 1839 |
V. Gerginov, S. Knappe, P. Schwindt, V. Shah, L. Liew, J. M. Moreland, H. G. Robinson, L. Hollberg, J. Kitching, A. Brannon, J. Breitbarth, and Z. Popovic | Component-Level Demonstration of a Microfabricated Atomic Frequency Reference | Proc. 2005 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and PTTI | | 758-766 | 20050829 | 2093 |
J. Moreland, J. Kitching, P. Schwindt, S. Knappe, L. Liew, V. Shah, V. Gerginov, Y. Wang and L. Hollberg | Chip scale atomic magnetometers | MSS Military Sensing Symposia | | 10 p. | 20050823 | 2118 |
J. Kitching, S. Knappe, L. Liew, J. Moreland, H. G. Robinson, P. Schwindt, V. Shah, V. Gerginov, and L. Hollberg | Chip-Scale Atomic Clocks at NIST | Proc. 2005 NCSLI Conf. | | 9 p. | 20050807 | 2067 |
J. Kitching, S. Knappe, L. Liew, J. Moreland, P. Schwindt, V. Shah, V. Gerginov, and L. Hollberg | Microfabricated atomic frequency references | Metrologia | 42 | S100-S104 | 20050707 | 2024 |
S. Knappe, P. Schwindt, V. Shah, L. Hollberg, J. Kitching, L. Liew, and J. Moreland | A chip-scale atomic clock based on ^(87)Rb with improved frequency stability | | | | 20050620 | 2036 |
S. Knappe, V. Gerginov, P. Schwindt, V. Shah, L. Hollberg, and J. Kitching | Atomic vapor cells for chip-scale atomic clocks with improved long-term frequency stability | | | | 20050620 | 1850 |
S. Knappe, P. Schwindt, L. Hollberg, J. Kitching, V. Shah and V. Gerginov | The Performance of Chip-Scale Atomic Clocks | Proc. 2005 Conf. Lasers and Electro-Optics | | 479-481 | 20050522 | 2155 |
J. Kitching, S. Knappe, L. Liew, J. Moreland, H. G. Robinson, P. Schwindt, V. Shah, V. Gerginov, and L. Hollberg | Chip-Scale Atomic Frequency References: Fabrication and Performance | Proc. 2005 EFTF Conf. | | 575-580 | 20050321 | 2054 |
S. Knappe, P. Schwindt, V. Shah, L. Hollberg, J. Kitching, L. Liew, and J. Moreland | A chip-scale atomic clock based on ^(87)Rb with improved frequency stability | Opt. Express | 13 | 1249-1253 | 20050221 | 2011 |
A. V. Taichenachev, A. M. Tumaikin, V.I. Yudin, M. Stahler, R. Wynands, J. Kitching, and L. Hollberg | Erratum: Nonlinear-resonance line shapes: Dependence on the transverse intensity distribution of a light beam | Phys. Rev. A. | 71 | 029903-E | 20050216 | 2002 |
C. T.-C. Nguyen and J. Kitching | Towards chip-scale atomic clocks | Proc. 2005 Intl. Solid State Circuits Conf. | | 84-85 | 20050207 | 1971 |
J. Kitching | An Atomic Clock on a Chip | The Horological Journal | 147 | 54-55 | 20050201 | 2003 |
J. Kitching, S. Knappe, L. Liew, P. Schwindt, V. Shah, J. M. Moreland, and L. Hollberg | Microfabricated Atomic Clocks | Proc. 2005 MEMS | | 1-7 | 20050130 | 1993 |
D. Budker, L. Hollberg, D. F. Kimball, J. Kitching, S. Pustelny, and V. V. Yashchuk | Microwave transitions and nonlinear magneto-optical rotation in anti-relaxation-coated cells | Phys. Rev. A. | 71 | 012903-9 | 20050127 | 2031 |
P. Schwindt, S. Knappe, V. Shah, L. Hollberg, J. Kitching, L. Liew and J. Moreland | Chip-scale atomic magnetometers | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 85 | 6409-6411 | 20041227 | 2001 |
J. Kitching, L. Hollberg, R. Wynands, and S. Knappe | Method of Minimizing the Short-Term Frequency Instability of Laser-Pumped Atomic Clocks | United States Patent - No. 6,831,522 | | 6 p. | 20041214 | 2481 |
S. Knappe, P. Schwindt, V. Gerginov, V. Shah, L. Hollberg, J. Kitching, L. Liew, and J. Moreland | Microfabricated Atomic Clocks at NIST | Proc. 2004 PTTI Mtg. | | 383-392 | 20041207 | 2010 |
P. Schwindt and J. Kitching | Chip-Scale Atomic Magnetometers | | | | 20041201 | 2000 |
L. Hollberg and J. Kitching | Miniature Frequency Standard Based on All-Optical Excitation and a Micro-Machined Containment Vessel | United States Patent - No. 6,806,784 | | 5 p. | 20041019 | 2482 |
S. Kargapoltsev, J. Kitching, L. Hollberg, A. V. Taichenachev, V. L. Velichanski, and V.I. Yudin | High-contrast dark resonances in sigma(_+) -sigma(__) optical field | Laser Phys. Lett. | 1 | 495-499 | 20041001 | 2029 |
J. Kitching | Chip-Scale Vapor-Cell Atomic Clocks at NIST | | | 1 p. | 20040831 | 1858 |
S. Knappe, V. Shah, P. D. Schwindt, L. Hollberg, J. Kitching, L. Liew, and J. Moreland | A microfabricated atomic clock | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 85 | 1460-1462 | 20040830 | 1945 |
S. A. Knappe, P. Schwindt, V. Shah, L. Hollberg, J. Kitching, L. Liew, and J. Moreland | Microfabricated Atomic Frequency References | Proc. 2004 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and UFFC Conf. | | 87-91 | 20040823 | 1967 |
J. Kitching, S. Knappe, L. Liew, P. Schwindt, V. Shah, J. Moreland, and L. Hollberg | Power dissipation in a vertically-integrated chip-scale atomic clock | Proc. 2004 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and UFFC Conf. | | 781-784 | 20040823 | 1964 |
L. Liew, S. Knappe, J. Moreland, H. G. Robinson, L. Hollberg and J. Kitching | Microfabricated alkali atom vapor cells | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 84 | 2694-2696 | 20040405 | 2042 |
J. Kitching, S. Knappe, L. Liew, J. Moreland, H. G. Robinson, P. Schwindt, V. Shah, and L. Hollberg | Microfabricated Atomic Frequency references | Proc. 2004 EFTF Conf. | | 6 p. | 20040405 | 2015 |
A. V. Taichenachev, A. M. Tumaikin, V.I. Yudin, M. Stahler, R. Wynands, J. Kitching, and L. Hollberg | Non-linear-resonance line shapes: Dependence on the transverse intensity distribution of a light beam | Phys. Rev. A. | 69 | 024501-4 | 20040226 | 1897 |
S. Knappe, J. Kitching, and L. Hollberg | Dark-line atomic resonances in submillimeter structures | Opt. Lett. | 29 | 388-390 | 20040215 | 1884 |
L. Liew, S. Knappe, J. M. Moreland, H. G. Robinson, L. Hollberg, and J. Kitching | Micromachined Alkali Atom Vapor Cells For Chip-Scale Atomic Clocks | Proc. 2004 MEMS | | 113-116 | 20040125 | 1915 |
J. Kitching, S. Knappe, L. Liew, J. Moreland, S. Kargopoltsev, V. Velichansky, H. G. Robinson, and L. Hollberg | Ultra-Small Atomic Clocks Based on Coherent Population Trapping and Micromachined Vapor Cells | Proc. 2003 ICOLS Conf. | | 178 | 20030713 | 1881 |
J. Ye, J. Peng, R. J. Jones, K. W. Holman, J. J. Hall, D. J. Jones, S. A. Diddams, J. Kitching, S. Bize, J. C. Bergquist, L. Hollberg, L. Robertsson, and L. Ma | Delivery of high-stability optical and microwave frequency standards over an optical fiber network | J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. | 20 | 1459-1467 | 20030701 | 1851 |
S. Knappe, V. Velichansky, H. G. Robinson, J. Kitching, and L. Hollberg | Compact atomic vapor cells fabricated by laser-induced heating of hollow-core glass fibers | Rev. Sci. Instrum. | 74 | 3142-3145 | 20030601 | 1855 |
S. Knappe, V. Velichansky, H. G. Robinson, L. Liew, J. Moreland, J. Kitching, and L. Hollberg | Atomic Vapor Cells for Miniature Frequency References | Proc. 2003 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 31-32 | 20030504 | 1892 |
A. V. Taichenachev, V.I. Yudin, R. Wynands, M. Stahler, J. Kitching, and L. Hollberg | Theory of dark resonances for alkali-metal vapors in a buffer-gas cell | Phys. Rev. A. | 67 | 033810-11 | 20030321 | 1557 |
M. Stahler, R. Wynands, S. Knappe, J. Kitching, L. Hollberg, A. Taichenachev, and V. Yudin | Coherent population trapping resonances in a thermal ^85Rb vapor: D_1 versus D_2 excitation | Opt. Lett. | 27 | 1472-1474 | 20020815 | 1598 |
J. Kitching, S. Knappe, and L. Hollberg | Miniature Vapor-Cell Atomic Frequency Reference | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 81 | 553-555 | 20020615 | 1597 |
J. Kitching, S. Knappe, and L. Hollberg | Performance of Small Scale-Frequency References | Proc. 2002 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 442-446 | 20020528 | 1803 |
Y. Zhao, M. Mao, R. Horowitz, J. Varesi, P. Norton, and J. Kitching | Optomechanical Uncooled Infrared Imaging System: Design, Microfabrication and Performance | J. Microelectromech. S. | 11 | 136-146 | 20020401 | 1543 |
S. Knappe, J. Kitching, L. Hollberg, and R. Wynands | Temperature Dependence of Coherent Population Trapping Resonances | Appl. Phys. B | 74 | 217-222 | 20020207 | 1514 |
S. Knappe, R. Wynands, J. Kitching, H. G. Robinson, and L. Hollberg | Characterization of coherent population-trapping resonances as atomic frequency references | J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. | 18 | 1545-1553 | 20011122 | 1482 |
J. Kitching, L. Hollberg, S. Knappe, and R. Wynands | Compact atomic clock based on coherent population trapping | Electron. Lett. | 37 | 1449-1451 | 20011122 | 474 |
J. Kitching, H. G. Robinson, L. Hollberg, S. Knappe, and R. Wynands | Optical-pumping noise in laser-pumped, all-optical microwave frequency references | J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. | 18 | 1676-1683 | 20011101 | 1488 |
J. Kitching, L. Hollberg, S. Knappe, and R. Wynands | Frequency-dependent optical pumping effects in driven, three-level systems | Opt. Lett. | 26 | 1507-1509 | 20011001 | 1471 |
J. Kitching, H. G. Robinson, L. Hollberg, S. Knappe, and R. Wynands | Compact Microwave Frequency Reference Based on Coherent Population Trapping | Proc. 2001 Freq. Stand. Metrology Symp. | | 167-174 | 20010909 | 1580 |
J. Kitching | Compact Atomic Clocks | http://tf.nist. Gov | | | 20010531 | 1505 |
T. P. Heavner, L. Hollberg, S. R. Jefferts, J. Kitching, W. Kipstein, D. M. Meekhof, and H. G. Robinson | Characterization of a Cold Cesium Source for PARCS: Primary Atomic Reference Clock in Space | IEEE T. Instrum. Meas. | 50 | 500-502 | 20010423 | 1411 |
J. Kitching, N. Vukicevic, L. Hollberg, S. Knappe, R. Wynands, and W. Weidemann | A Microwave Frequency Reference Based on VCSEL-Driven Darkline Resonances in Cs Vapor | IEEE T. Instrum. Meas. | 49 | 1313-1317 | 20001206 | 1393 |
S. Romisch, J. Kitching, E. S. Ferre-Pikal, L. Hollberg, and F. L. Walls | Performance Evaluation of an Optoelectronic Oscillator | IEEE T. Ultrason. Ferr. | 47 | 1159-1165 | 20000901 | 1365 |
N. Vukicevic, A. S. Zibrov, L. Hollberg, F. L. Walls, J. Kitching, and H. G. Robinson | Compact Diode-Laser Based Rubidium Frequency Reference | IEEE T. Ultrason. Ferr. | 47 | 1122-1126 | 20000901 | 1361 |
T. P. Heavner, L. Hollberg, S. R. Jefferts, J. Kitching, W. M. Klipstein, D. M. Meekhof, and H. G. Robinson | Characterization of a Cold Cesium Source for PARCS: Primary Atomic Reference Clock in Space | Proc. 2000 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 656-658 | 20000606 | 1487 |
J. Kitching, N. Vukicevic, L. Hollberg, S. Knappe, C. Affolderbach, R. Wynands, and W. Weidemann | Microwave Frequency Reference Based on VCSEL-Driven Dark Line Resonances in Cs Vapor | Proc. 2000 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 687-693 | 20000606 | 1375 |
T. P. Heavner, L. Hollberg, S. R. Jefferts, J. Kitching, D. M. Meekhof, H. G. Robinson, and D. B. Sullivan | Characterization of a Cold Cesium Source for PARCS: Primary Atomic Reference Clock in Space | IEEE CPEM 2000 Conf. Dig. | | 313-314 | 20000514 | 2217 |
T. P. Heavner, L. Hollberg, S. R. Jefferts, J. Kitching, D. M. Meekhof, T. E. Parker, W. Phillips, S. Rolston, H. G. Robinson, J. H. Shirley, D. B. Sullivan, F. L. Walls, N. Ashby, W. Klipstein, L. Maleki, D. Seidel, R. Thompson, S. Wu, L. Young | A Laser-Cooled Atomic Clock in Space | Proc. 2000 Space Tech. and Appl. Intl. Forum | | 691-694 | 20000101 | 1325 |
N. Vukicevic, A. S. Zibrov, L. Hollberg, F. L. Walls, and J. Kitching | A compact microwave frequency reference using diode lasers | Proc. 1999 IEEE Adv. Semicond. Laser Conf. | | 106-108 | 19990721 | 1360 |
J. Kitching and L. Hollberg | Interference-induced optical gain without population inversion in cold, trapped atoms | Phys. Rev. A. | 59 | 4685-4689 | 19990601 | 1304 |
L. Hollberg, J. Kitching, R. W. Fox | NIST Optical Frequency Measurements Group Internet Home Page | | | | 19990413 | 1506 |
S. Romisch, J. Kitching, E. S. Ferre-Pikal, L. Hollberg, and F. L. Walls | Performance Evaluation of Optoelectronic Oscillators | Proc. 1999 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 561-564 | 19990413 | 1320 |
J. Kitching and L. Hollberg | Electromagnetically induced transparency in cold atoms | Int. Quantum Elect. Conf. | | 203-204 | 19980503 | 1388 |
J. E. Kitching, E. S. Ferre-Pikal, L. Hollberg, and F. L. Walls | Optoelectronic Microwave Oscillators Using Diode Lasers | Proc. 1997 IEEE Adv. Semicond. Laser Conf. | | 21-22 | 19970811 | 1344 |
J. E. Kitching, L. Hollberg, and F. L. Walls | A 1 GHz Optical-Delay-Line Oscillator Driven by a Diode Laser | Proc. 1996 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 807-814 | 19960605 | 1149 |
P. Daly, I. D. Kitching, D. W. Allan, and T. K. Peppler | Frequency and Time Stability of GPS and GLONASS Clocks | Int. J. Satell. Commun. | 9 | 11-22 | 19910601 | 915 |