NIST Time and Frequency Publication Database
The NIST Time and Frequency publication database allows you to freely access a total of 3294 publications, a comprehensive body of scientific literature that covers the period from 1914 to the present. The database includes conference papers, journal and magazine articles, government publications, books, and book chapters. We have tried to include every time and frequency related publication authored by NIST personnel (or by the personnel of its predecessor, NBS, the National Bureau of Standards) in this database. If you know of any NIST or NBS publication that is related to time and frequency and that isn't included, please let us know by sending an email. We'll research your request and add the missing publication to the database as quickly as possible. You can search for publications by entering at least one search term in the submission form below, and then clicking the submit button. You only need to enter partial terms, such as the author's last name. Words can be entered as either upper or lower case. Multiple words entered on the same line are treated as if "AND" were between them, which narrows your search. After you click the submit button, a list of publications will be displayed. If a publication is available as a PDF file, the title will be underlined. Simply click on the title to access the publication. If you are interested in time and frequency but don't know what to search for, please visit our list of selected general interest time and frequency publications. |