Authors | Title | Journal | Vol No. | Page Nos. | Pub. Date | Bin No. |
A. Hati, M. Pomponio, and C. Nelson | Ultralow PM and AM Noise Generation With an Ensemble of Phase-Coherent Oscillators | IEEE T. Ultrason. Ferr. | 71 | 332-339 | 20240201 | 3251 |
M. Pomponio, A. Hati, and C. Nelson | Ultra-Low Phase Noise Frequency Division with Array of Direct Digital Synthesizers | IEEE T. Instrum. Meas. | 73 | 5501310/1-18 | 20231225 | 3257 |
A. Hati and C. W. Nelson | A Simple Optimization Method for Generating High-Purity Amplitude and Phase Modulation | IEEE T. Instrum. Meas. | 71 | 1005009/1-9 | 20220627 | 3168 |
A. Hati, M. Pomponio, C. Humiston, J. Lettang, and C. Nelson | 30 GHz Regenerative Frequency Divide-by-3 | Proc. 2022 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 4 p. | 20220424 | 3164 |
N. V. Nardelli, T. M. Fortier, M. Pomponio, E. Baumann, C. Nelson, T. R. Schibli, and A. Hati | 10 GHz generation with ultra-low phase noise via the transfer oscillator technique | APL Photonics | 7 | 026105/1-10 | 20220208 | 3148 |
F. C. S. da Silva, A. B. Kos, G. E. Antonucci, J. B. Coder, C. W. Nelson, and A. Hati | Continuous-capture microwave imaging | Nat. Commun. | 12 | 8 p. | 20210625 | 3137 |
N. V. Nardelli, T. M. Fortier, M. Pomponio, E. Baumann, C. Nelson, T. R. Schibli, and A. Hati | Transfer Oscillator Technique for 10 GHz Generation with Ultra-Low Phase Noise < -100 dBc/Hz at 1 Hz offset | Proc. 2021 Conf. Lasers and Electro-Optics | | 2 p. | 20210509 | 3166 |
M. Pomponio, A. Hati, and C. Nelson | FPGA-based Low-Latency Digital Servo for Optical Physics Experiments | Proc. 2020 IEEE Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 2 p. | 20201022 | 3116 |
A. Hati and C. W. Nelson | Multipath Parameter Extraction and Correction from Frequency Dependent Amplitude Fading | Proc. 2020 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 5 p. | 20201022 | 3099 |
A. Hati and C. Nelson | W-band Vibrometer for Non-contact Thermoacoustic Imaging | IEEE T. Ultrason. Ferr. | 66 | 1536-1539 | 20190826 | 3031 |
V. Gerginov, F. C. S. da Silva, A. Hati, and C. Nelson | An Atomic Sensor for Direct Detection of Weak Microwave Signals | IEEE T. Microw. Theory | 67 | 3485-3493 | 20190816 | 3029 |
A. Hati and C. W. Nelson | Multipath Mitigation from FM-AM Correlation | Proc. 2019 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 3 p. | 20190415 | 3055 |
A. Hati, C. Nelson, and D. Howe | Phase Modulation Noise Reducer | United States Patent - No. 10,050,608 | | 19 p. | 20180804 | 3050 |
A. Hati, F. C. S. daSilva, V. Gerginov, and C. W. Nelson | Effect of Local Oscillator Performance on Ultra-wideband Indoor Localization System | Proc. 2018 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 3 p. | 20180521 | 2978 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, D. Pappas, and D. A. Howe | Phase noise measurements with a cryogenic power-splitter to minimize the cross-spectral collapse effect | Rev. Sci. Instrum. | 88 | 114707/1-5 | 20171127 | 2892 |
T. M. Fortier, A. Rolland, F. Quinlan, F. N. Baynes, A. J. Metcalf, A. Hati, A. Ludlow, N. Hinkley, M. Shimizu, T. Ishibashi, J. C. Campbell, and S. A. Diddams | Optically referenced broadband electronic synthesizer with 15 digits of resolution | Laser Photonic Rev. | 10 | 780-790 | 20160905 | 2785 |
A. Hati, C. Nelson, and D. Howe | Phase Modulation Noise Reducer | United States Patent - No. 9,407,206 | | 18 p. | 20160802 | 2884 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, D. A. Howe, and C. F. M. Danielson | Power Splitter Thermal Noise Correlations in Cross-spectrum Noise Measurements | Proc. 2016 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 4 p. | 20160509 | 2853 |
C. Barnes, A. Hati, C. Nelson, and D. Howe | Practical Evaluation of a 50 km Fiber Link Utilizing a Commercial Modem | Proc. 2016 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 4 p. | 20160509 | 2851 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, and D. A. Howe | Measurement of AM-to-PM Conversion in a Quartz-MEMS Resonator | Proc. 2016 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 4 p. | 20160509 | 2847 |
C. W. Nelson, A. Hati, and D. A. Howe | Cross-spectral Collapse from Anti-correlated Thermal Noise in Power Splitters | Proc. 2016 EFTF Conf. | | 4 p. | 20160404 | 2844 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, and D. A. Howe | Oscillator PM Noise Reduction from Correlated AM Noise | IEEE T. Ultrason. Ferr. | 63 | 463-469 | 20160311 | 2789 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, and D. A. Howe | Cross-spectrum measurement of thermal-noise limited oscillators | Rev. Sci. Instrum. | 87 | 034708/1-8 | 20160301 | 2828 |
D. A. Howe, A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, and L. Nugent-Glandorf | Optical-to-RF Frequency Synthesis: Application Priorities for Ultra-low Phase Noise | Frontiers in Optics 2015 | | 3 p. | 20151018 | 2786 |
P. D. Schwindt, Y. Jau, H. L. Partner, D. K. Serkland, A. Ison, A. McCants, E. Winrow, J. Prestage, J. Kellogg, N. Yu, C. D. Boschen, I. Kosvin, D. Mailloux, D. Scherer, C. Nelson, A. Hati, and D. A. Howe | Miniature Trapped-Ion Frequency Standard with 171 Yb+ | Proc. 2015 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 752-757 | 20150413 | 2799 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, and D. A. Howe | PM Noise Measurement at W-Band | IEEE T. Ultrason. Ferr. | 61 | 1961-1966 | 20141212 | 2732 |
X. Luan, Y. Huang, Y. Li, J. F. McMillan, J. Zheng, S. Huang, P. Hsieh, T. Gu, D. Wang, A. Hati, D. A. Howe, G. Wen, M. Yu, G. Lo, D. Kwong, and C. W. Wong | An integrated low phase noise radiation-pressure-driven optomechanical oscillator chipset | Nature Sci. Rep. | 4 | 1-7 | 20141030 | 2798 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, B. Riddle and D. A. Howe | A 40 GHz Air-Dielectric Cavity Oscillator with Low Phase Modulation Noise | NCSLI Measure J. Meas. Sci. | 9 | 48-54 | 20140901 | 2729 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, and D. A. Howe | Reducing oscillator PM noise from AM-PM noise correlation | Electron. Lett. | 50 | 1195-1197 | 20140814 | 2737 |
D. A. Howe, A. Hati and C. W. Nelson | Ultra-low Phase Noise Frequency Synthesis from Optical Atomic Frequency Standards | Proc. 2014 EFTF Conf. | | 4 p. | 20140626 | 2738 |
Y. Huang, X. Luan, Y. Li, J. F. McMillan, D. Wang, A. Hati, D. A. Howe, M. Yu, G. Lo, D. Kwong, and C. W. Wong | A fully integrated chip-scale optomechanical oscillator | Proc. 2014 Conf. Lasers and Electro-Optics | | 2 p. | 20140614 | 2800 |
C. Nelson, A. Hati, and D. Howe | Collapse of the Cross-spectral Function | Proc. 2014 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 2 p. | 20140522 | 2725 |
A. Hati, C. Nelson, and D. Howe | Correlation Measurements between PM and AM Noise in Oscillators | Proc. 2014 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 3 p. | 20140522 | 2724 |
L. C. Sinclair, I. Coddington, W. C. Swann, G. B. Rieker, A. Hati, K. Iwakuni, and N. R. Newbury | Operation of an optically coherent frequency comb outside the metrology lab | Opt. Express | 22 | 6996-7006 | 20140318 | 2801 |
C. Nelson, A. Hati, and D. Howe | A collapse of the cross-spectral function in phase noise metrology | Rev. Sci. Instrum. | 85 | 024705-7 | 20140225 | 2697 |
D. A. Howe, A. Hati, and C. W. Nelson | Ultra-low Phase Noise Oscillators and Synthesizers for Managing and Relieving Spectral Congestion: A Tutorial Introduction | Proc. 2013 PTTI Mtg. | | 263-264 | 20131205 | 2768 |
C. Nelson, A. Hati, and D. Howe | Phase inversion and collapse of the cross-spectral function | Electron. Lett. | 49 | 1640-1641 | 20131205 | 2698 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, C. Barnes, D. Lirette, T. Fortier, F. Quinlan, J. A. DeSalvo, A. Ludlow, S. A. Diddams, and D. A. Howe | State-of-the-Art RF Signal Generation From Optical Frequency Division | IEEE T. Ultrason. Ferr. | 60 | 1796-1803 | 20130902 | 2646 |
T. M. Fortier, F. Quinlan, A. Hati, C. Nelson, J. A. Taylor, Y. Fu, J. Campbell, and S. A. Diddams | Photonic microwave generation with high-power photodiodes | Opt. Lett. | 38 | 1712-1714 | 20130514 | 2665 |
J. Zheng, Y. Li, N. Goldberg, M. McDonald, X. Luan, A. Hati, M. Lu, S. Strauf, T. Zelevinsky, D. A. Howe, and C. W. Wong | Feedback and harmonic locking of slot-type optomechanical oscillators to external low-noise reference clocks | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 102 | 141117-4 | 20130412 | 2802 |
F. Quinlan, T. M. Fortier, H. Jiang, A. Hati, C. Nelson, Y. Fu, J. Campbell, and S. A. Diddams | Exploiting shot noise correlations in the photodetection of ultrashort optical pulse trains | Nat. Photonics | 7 | 290-293 | 20130310 | 2649 |
J. A. DeSalvo, A. Hati, C. Nelson, and D. A. Howe | Phase-Noise Measurement System for the Terahertz-Band | IEEE T. Ter. Sci. Tech. | 2 | 638-641 | 20121130 | 2599 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, C. Barnes, D. Lirette, J. A. DeSalvo and D. A. Howe | Ultra-low-Noise Regenerative Frequency Divider | IEEE T. Ultrason. Ferr. | 59 | 2596-2598 | 20121111 | 2609 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, N. Ashby, and D. A. Howe | Calibration uncertainty for the NIST PM/AM noise standards | NIST Spec. Publ. 250-90 | | 33 p. | 20120731 | 2582 |
T. M. Fortier, C. W. Nelson, A. Hati, F. Quinlan, J. Taylor, H. Jiang, C. W. Chou, T. Rosenband, N. Lemke, A. Ludlow, D. Howe, C. W. Oates and S. A. Diddams | Sub-femtosecond absolute timing jutter with a 10 GHz hybrid photonic-microwave oscillator | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 100 | 231111-3 | 20120607 | 2601 |
T. M. Fortier, C. W. Nelson, A. Hati, F. Quinlan, J. Taylor, H. Jiang, C. W. Chou, N. Lemke, A. Ludlow, D. Howe, C. W. Oates, and S. A. Diddams | A hybrid 10 GHz photonic-microwave oscillator with sub-femtosecond absolute timing jitter | Proc. 2012 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 763-764 | 20120524 | 2634 |
K. J. Hughes, A. Hati, C. Nelson, and D. Howe | Vibrational Analysis of Stabilized Lasers | Proc. 2012 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 602-605 | 20120524 | 2630 |
D. A. Howe, A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, and D. Lirette | PM-AM Correlation Measurements and Analysis | Proc. 2012 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 16-20 | 20120524 | 2628 |
J. A. DeSalvo, A. Hati, C. Nelson, and D. A. Howe | Phase-Noise Measurement of a 670 GHz Source | Proc. 2012 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 25-28 | 20120524 | 2627 |
D. Lirette, C. Barnes, A. Hati, J. A. DeSalvo, C. W. Nelson, and D. A. Howe | Common-Arm Counter Propagating Phase Bridge for Vibration Sensitivity Measurement | Proc. 2012 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 529-532 | 20120524 | 2626 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, C. Barnes, D. Lirette, J. A. DeSalvo, T. Fortier, F. Quinlan, A. Ludlow, T. Rosenband, S. A. Diddams, and D. A. Howe | Ultra-low-noise Regenerative Frequency Divider for High Spectral Purity RF Signal Generation | Proc. 2012 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 625-628 | 20120524 | 2625 |
D. A. Howe, D. Lirette, N. Ashby, A. Hati, and C. Nelson | Characterizing Dynamic Effects of Oscillator Power Cycling | Proc. 2011 PTTI Mtg. | | 353-362 | 20111114 | 2590 |
C. W. Nelson, A. Hati, and D. A. Howe | Common-Arm Counter-Propagating Interferometer for Fiber Vibration Measurements | IEEE Photonic. Tech. L. | 23 | 1633-1635 | 20111101 | 2375 |
C. Barnes, A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, and D. A. Howe | 5 MHz Phase Detector With Low Residual Flicker | Electron. Lett. | 47 | 2 p. | 20110915 | 2554 |
T. Li, B. Argence, A. Haboucha, H. Jiang, J. L. Dornaux, D. Kon�, A. Clairon, P. Lemonde, G. Santarelli, C. Nelson, A. Hati, and E. Burt | Low Vibration Sensitivity Fiber Spools for Laser Stabilization | Proc. 2011 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 739-741 | 20110502 | 2580 |
C. Barnes, A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, and D. A. Howe | Residual PM Noise Evaluation of Radio Frequency Mixers | Proc. 2011 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 724-728 | 20110502 | 2556 |
D. A. Howe, N. Ashby, D. Lirette, A. Hati, and C. Nelson | Limited Live-time Measurements of Frequency Spectra | Proc. 2011 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 99-102 | 20110502 | 2553 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, and D. A. Howe | Vibration Sensitivity of Optical Components: A Survey | Proc. 2011 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 532-535 | 20110502 | 2552 |
J. Taylor, S. Datta, A. Hati, C. Nelson, F. Quinlan, A. Joshi, and S. A. Diddams | Characterization of Power-to-Phase Conversion in High-Speed P-I-N Photodiodes | IEEE Photonics Journal | 3 | 140-151 | 20110201 | 2494 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, B. F. Riddle, and D. A. Howe | High Spectral Purity Oscillator at 40 GHz: Design Using Air-Dielectric Cavity | Proc. 2010 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 437-439 | 20100602 | 2468 |
J. A. Taylor, F. Quinlan, A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, S. A. Diddams, S. Datta, and A. Joshi | Phase Noise in the Photodetection of Ultrashort Optical Pulses | Proc. 2010 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 684-688 | 20100602 | 2465 |
C. W. Nelson, A. Hati, J. F. Garcia-Nava, and D. A. Howe | Phase noise suppression in frequency comb generators | Proc. 2010 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 440-442 | 20100602 | 2464 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, and D. A. Howe | Phase-lock Loops in Vibration Environments | Proc. 2009 PTTI Mtg. | | 303-312 | 20091116 | 2435 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, and D. A. Howe | Vibration-Induced PM and AM Noise in Microwave Components | IEEE T. Ultrason. | 56 | 2050-2059 | 20091001 | 2322 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, and D. A. Howe | Effect of Vibration on PM and AM noise of Oscillatory and Non-oscillatory Components at 10 GHz | Proc. 2009 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 524-529 | 20090420 | 2371 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, and D. A. Howe | Vibration-induced PM Noise in Oscillators and its Suppression | Aerial Vehicles | Ch. 13 | 259-286 | 20090101 | 2328 |
J. A. Taylor, C. W. Nelson, A. Hati, N. Ashby, and D. A. Howe | Residual Vibration-induced PM Noise of a Rigid Optical Fiber Spool | Proc. 2008 PTTI Mtg. | | 549-557 | 20081201 | 2343 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, J. Taylor, N. Ashby and D. A. Howe | Cancellation of Vibration-Induced Phase Noise in Optical Fibers | IEEE Photonics Tech. Lett. | 20 | 1842-1844 | 20081115 | 2119 |
C. W. Nelson, A. Hati, and D. A. Howe | Relative Intensity Noise Suppression for RF Photonic Links | IEEE Photonics Tech. Lett. | 20 | 1542-1544 | 20080915 | 2293 |
J. Taylor, C. W. Nelson, A. Hati, N. Ashby, and D. A. Howe | Vibration-induced PM noise measurements of a rigid optical fiber spool | Proc. 2008 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 807-810 | 20080519 | 2310 |
C. W. Nelson, A. Hati, D. A. Howe, and W. Zhou | Microwave Optoelectronic Oscillator with Optical Gain | Proc. 2007 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 1014-1019 | 20070529 | 2250 |
N. Ashby, D. A. Howe, J. Taylor, A. Hati, C. W. Nelson | Optical Fiber Vibration and Acceleration Model | Proc. 2007 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 547-551 | 20070529 | 2240 |
K. M. Hudek, A. Hati, D. A. Howe, C. W. Nelson and W. Zhou | Further Examination of the Injection-Locked Dual Optoelectronic Oscillator | Proc. 2007 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 796-800 | 20070529 | 2239 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, D. A. Howe, N. Ashby, J. Taylor, K. M. Hudek, C. Hay, D. J. Seidel, and D. Eliyahu | Vibration sensitivity of microwave components | Proc. 2007 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 541-546 | 20070529 | 2234 |
D. A. Howe, A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, J. Taylor, and N. Ashby | Active Vibration-induced PM Noise Control in Optical Fibers: Preliminary Studies | Proc. 2007 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 552-556 | 20070529 | 2233 |
A. Hati, D. A. Howe, F. L. Walls, and D. Walker | Merits of PM Noise Measurement Over Noise Figure: A Study at Microwave Frequencies | IEEE T. Ultrason. | 53 | 1889-1894 | 20061001 | 2110 |
H. Ascarrunz, F. L. Walls, A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, and D. A. Howe | A Regenerative Frequency Comb | Proc. 2006 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 60-64 | 20060605 | 2168 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson and D. A. Howe | Low Phase Noise Amplifier and Oscillator Using Feed-Forward Technique at 10 GHz | Proc. 2006 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 228-232 | 20060605 | 2159 |
A. Hati, D. A. Howe, and C. W. Nelson | Comparison of AM noise in commercial amplifiers and oscillators at X-band | Proc. 2006 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 740-744 | 20060605 | 2158 |
D. A. Howe, J. Lanfranchi, L. Cutsinger, A. Hati, and C. W. Nelson | Vibration-induced PM Noise in Oscillators and Measurements of Correlation with Vibration Sensors | Proc. 2005 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and PTTI | | 494-498 | 20050829 | 2103 |
D. A. Howe and A. Hati | Low-noise X-band Oscillator and Amplifier Technologies: Comparison and Status | Proc. 2005 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and PTTI | | 481-487 | 20050829 | 2097 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, J. F. Garcia Nava, D. A. Howe, F. L. Walls, H. Ascarrunz, J. Lanfranchi, and B. F. Riddle | W-band dual channel AM/PM noise measurement system - an update | Proc. 2005 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and PTTI | | 503-508 | 20050829 | 2094 |
A. Sen Gupta, D. A. Howe, C. Nelson, A. Hati, F. L. Walls, and J. F. Garcia Nava | High Spectral Purity Microwave Oscillator: Design Using Conventional Air-Dielectric Cavity | IEEE T. Ultrason. Ferr. | 51 | 1225-1231 | 20041001 | 1995 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, J. F. Garcia Nava, D. A. Howe, and F. L. Walls | W-band dual channel PM/AM noise measurement system | Proc. 2004 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. And UFFC Conf. | | 298-302 | 20040823 | 1978 |
A. Hati, D. A. Howe, F. L. Walls, and D. Walker | Noise Figure vs. PM Noise Measurements: A Study at Microwave Frequencies | Proc. 2003 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 516-520 | 20030504 | 1893 |
J. F. Garcia Nava, A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, A. Sen Gupta, F. L. Walls, and T. N. Tasset | Parallel Configuration for Conjugate Regenerative Dividers | Proc. 2003 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 1037-1041 | 20030504 | 1890 |
A. Sen Gupta, D. A. Howe, C. W. Nelson, A. Hati, F. L. Walls and J. F. Garcia Nava | High-Spectral-Purity Microwave Oscillator: Design Using Conventional Air-Dielectric Cavity | Proc. 2003 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. and EFTF Conf. | | 423-429 | 20030504 | 1887 |
D. A. Howe, A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, F. L. Walls, J. F. Garcia Nava and A. Sen Gupta | Wide-Range Microwave Frequency Synthesis Using An Offset Passive Resonator | Proc. 2002 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 584-589 | 20020528 | 1802 |
D. A. Howe, C. W. Nelson, F. L. Walls, J. F. Garcia Nava, A. Hati, and A. Sen Gupta | A 100 GHz AM and PM Noise Measurement System: Preliminary Design and Performance | Proc. 2002 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 690-698 | 20020528 | 1801 |