Authors | Title | Journal | Vol No. | Page Nos. | Pub. Date | Bin No. |
T. Nakamura, D. Lee, J. Horng, F. Lecocq, J. Teufel, and F. Quinlan | Cryogenic photonic link using an extended-InGaAs photodiode and short pulse illumination towards high-fidelity drive of superconducting qubits | Submitted to Optica Quantum | | | | 3306 |
N. Hoghooghi, M. Mazur, N. Fontaine, Y. Liu, D. Lee, C. McLemore, T. Nakamura, T. Hayashi, G. Di Sciullo, D. Shaji, A. Mecozzi, C. Antonelli, and F. Quinlan | Beyond telecommunication: deployed multicore optical fibers for optical frequency transfer with 3x10-19 instability | Submitted to Science | | | | 3305 |
H. Cheng, C. Xiang, N. Jin, I. Kudelin, J. Guo, M. Heyrich, Y. Liu, J. Peters, Q.-X. Ji, Y. Zhou, K. J. Vahala, F. Quinlan, S. A. Diddams, J. E. Bowers, and P. T. Rakich | Harnessing micro-Fabry-Perot reference cavities in photonic integrated circuits | Submitted to Nat. Photonics | | | | 3297 |
I. Kudelin, P. Shirmohammadi, W. Groman, S. Hanifi, M. Kelleher, D. Lee, T. Nakamura, C. McLemore, S. Bowers, F. Quinlan, and S. Diddams | Tunable X-band opto-electronic synthesizer with ultralow phase noise | Nature Electronics | | | | 3288 |
T. Bothwell, W. Brand, R. Fasano, T. Akin, J. Whalen, T. Grogan, Y.-J. Chen, M. Pomponio, T. Nakamura, B. Rauf, I. Baldoni, M. Giunta, R. Holzwarth, C. Nelson, A. Hati, F. Quinlan, R. Fox, S. Peil, and A. Ludlow | Deployment of a transportable Yb optical lattice clock | Opt. Lett | 50 | 646-649 | 20250114 | 3304 |
W. Groman, I. Kudelin, A. Lind, D. Lee, T. Nakamura, Y. Liu, M. L. Kelleher, C. A. McLemore, J. Guo, L. Wu, W. Jin, K. J. Vahala, J. E. Bowers, F. Quinlan, and S. A. Diddams | Photonic millimeter-wave generation beyond the cavity thermal limit | Optica | 11 | 1583-1587 | 20241114 | 3292 |
Y. Liu, N. Jin, D. Lee, C. McLemore, T. Nakamura, M. Kelleher, H. Cheng, S. Schima, N. Hoghooghi, S. Diddams, P. Rakich, and F. Quinlan | Ultrastable vacuum-gap Fabry-Perot cavities operated in air | Optica | 11 | 1205-1211 | 20240821 | 3277 |
I. Kudelin, W. Groman, Q.-X. Ji, J. Guo, M. L. Kelleher, D. Lee, T. Nakamura, C. A. McLemore, P. Shirmohammadi, S. Hanifi, H. Cheng, N. Jin, L. Wu, S. Halladay, Y. Luo, Z. Dai, W. Jin, J. Bai, Y. Liu, W. Zhang, C. Xiang, L. Chang, V. Iltchenko, O. Miller, A. Matsko, S. Bowers, P. T. Rakich, J. C. Campbell, J. E. Bowers, K. J. Vahala, F. Quinlan, and S. A. Diddams | Photonic chip-based low noise microwave oscillator | Nature | | | 20240306 | 3250 |
Y. Liu, D. Lee, T. Nakamura, N. Jin, H. Cheng, M. L. Kelleher, C. A. McLemore, I. Kudelin, W. Groman, S. A. Diddams, P. T. Rakich, and F. Quinlan | Low-noise microwave generation with an air-gap optical reference cavity | APL Photonics | 9 | 010806/1-7 | 20240130 | 3243 |
F. Quinlan | The Photodetection of Ultrashort Optical Pulse Trains for Low Noise Microwave Signal Generation | Laser and Photonics Rev. | 17 | | 20231201 | 3216 |
H. Cheng, N. Jin, Z Dai, C. Xiang, J. Guo, Y. Zhou, S. A. Diddams, F. Quinlan, J. Bowers, O. Miller, and P. Rakich | A novel approach to interface high-Q Fabry-Perot resonators with photonic circuits | APL Photonics | 8 | 116105/1-8 | 20231103 | 3246 |
D. Lee, T. Nakamura, A. J. Metcalf, N. E. Flowers-Jacobs, A. E. Fox, P. D. Dresselhaus, and F. Quinlan | Sub-GHz resolution line-by-line pulse shaper for driving superconducting circuits | APL Photonics | 8 | 086115/1-9 | 20230829 | 3259 |
B. T. Bosworth, N. R. Jungwirth, J. Cheron, F. Quinlan, N. D. Orloff, C. J. Long, and A. Feldman | Electro-Optic Imaging Millimeter-Wave Propagation On-Wafer | Proc. 2023 Conf. Lasers and Electro-Optics | | 2 p. | 20230507 | 3233 |
M. L. Kelleher, C. A. McLemore, D. Lee, J. Davila-Rodriguez, S. A. Diddams, and F. Quinlan | Compact, portable, thermal-noise-limited optical cavity with low acceleration sensitivity | Opt. Express | 31 | 11954-11964 | 20230327 | 3224 |
J. A. Brevik, D. Lee, A. E. Fox, Y. Peng, A. A. Babenko, J. C. Campbell, P. D. Dresselhaus, F. Quinlan, and S. P. Benz | Bipolar Waveform Synthesis with an Optically Driven Josephson Arbitrary Waveform Synthesizer | IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. | 32 | 1400408/1-8 | 20221201 | 3194 |
C. A. McLemore, N. Jin, M. L. Kelleher, J. P. Hendrie, D. Mazon, Y. Luo, D. Lee, P. Rakich, S. A. Diddams, and F. Quinlan | Miniaturizing Ultrastable Electromagnetic Oscillators: Sub-10^-14 Frequency Instability from a Centimeter-Scale Fabry-Perot Cavity | Phys. Rev. Appl. | 18 | 054054/1-9 | 20221117 | 3234 |
J. Guo, C. McLemore, C. Xiang, D. Lee, L. Wu, W. Jin, M. Kelleher, N. Jin, D. Mason, L. Chang, A. Feshali, M. Paniccia, P. T. Rakich, K. J. Vahala, S. A. Diddams, F. Quinlan, and J. E. Bowers | Chip-based laser with 1-hertz integrated linewidth | Sci. Adv. | 8 | eabp9006/1-8 | 20221028 | 3172 |
N. Jin, C. A. McLemore, D. Mason, J. P. Hendrie, Y. Luo, M. L. Kelleher, P. Kharel, F. Quinlan, S. A. Diddams, and P. T. Rakich | Micro-fabricated mirrors with finesse exceeding one million | Optica | 9 | 965-970 | 20220822 | 3178 |
C. Fredrick, F. Olsen, R. Terrien, S. Mahadevan, F. Quinlan, and S. A. Diddams | Thermal-light heterodyne spectroscopy with frequency comb calibration | Optica | 9 | 221-230 | 20220218 | 3138 |
B. T. Bosworth, N. R. Jungwirth, K. Smith, J. Cheron, F. Quinlan, M. Woodson, J. Morgan, A. Beling, A. Feldman, D. Williams, N. D. Orloff, and C. J. Long | Electro-optically derived millimeter-wave sources with phase and amplitude control | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 119 | 151106/1-6 | 20211012 | 3191 |
D. Lee, T. Nakamura, J. Zang, J. C. Campbell, S. A. Diddams, and F. Quinlan | Reduction of Flicker Phase Noise in High-Speed Photodetectors under Ultrashort Pulse Illumination | IEEE Photonics J. | 13 | 5500213/1-13 | 20210514 | 3133 |
F. Lecocq, F. Quinlan, K. Cicak, J. Aumentado, S. A. Diddams, and J. D. Teufel | Control and readout of a superconducting qubit using a photonic link | Nature | 591 | 575-579 | 20210324 | 3134 |
T. Nakamura, J. Davila-Rodriguez, H. Leopardi, J. A. Sherman, T. M. Fortier, X. Xie, J. C. Campbell, W. F. McGrew, X. Zhang, Y. S. Hassan, D. Nicolodi, K. Beloy, A. D. Ludlow, S. A. Diddams, and F. Quinlan | Coherent Optical Clock Down-Conversion for Microwave Frequencies with 10^-18 Instability | Science | 368 | 889-892 | 20200522 | 3093 |
K. Smith, B. Bosworth, N. Jungwirth, J. Cheron, N. Orloff, C. Long, D. Williams, R. Chamberlin, F. Quinlan, T. Fortier, and A. Feldman | On-Wafer Metrology for a Transmission Line Integrated Terahertz Source | Proc. 2020 Conf. Lasers and Electro-Optics | | 2 p. | 20200510 | 3201 |
A. J. Metcalf, T. Anderson, C. F. Bender, S. Blakeslee, W. Brand, D. R. Carlson, W. D. Cochran, S. A. Diddams, M. Endl, C. Fredrick, S. Halverson, D. D. Hickstein, F. Hearty, J. Jennings, S. Kanodia, K. F. Kaplan, E. Levi, E. Lubar, S. Mahadevan, A. Monson, J. P. Ninan, C. Nitroy, S. Osterman, S. B. Papp, F. Quinlan, L. Ramsey, P. Robertson, A. Roy, C. Schwab, S. Sigurdsson, K. Srinivasan, G. Stefansson, D. A. Sterner, R. Terrien, A. Wolszczan, J. T. Wright, and G. Ycas | Stellar spectroscopy in the near-infrared with a laser frequency comb | Optica | 6 | 233-239 | 20190220 | 2985 |
S. E. J. Mahabadi, S. Wang, T. F. Carruthers, C. R. Menyuk, F. J. Quinlan, M. N. Hutchinson, J. D. McKinney, and K. J. Williams | Calculation of the impulse response and phase noise of a high-current photodetector using the drift-diffusion equations | Opt. Express | 27 | 3717-3730 | 20190204 | 3009 |
J. Davila-Rodriguez, X. Xie, J. Zang, C. Long, T. M. Fortier, H. Leopardi, T. Nakamura, S. A. Diddams, and F. Quinlan | Optimizing the linearity in high-speed photodiodes | Opt. Express | 26 | 30532-30545 | 20181112 | 2995 |
D. R. Carlson, D. D. Hickstein, W. Zhang, A. J. Metcalf, F. Quinlan, S. A. Diddams, and S. B. Papp | Ultrafast electro-optic light source with subcycle control | Science | 361 | 1358-1363 | 20180928 | 2938 |
H. Leopardi, J. Davila-Rodriguez, F. Quinlan, J. Olson, J. A. Sherman, S. A. Diddams, and T. M. Fortier | Single-branch Er:fiber frequency comb for precision optical metrology with 10^-18 fractional instability | Optica | 4 | 879-885 | 20170801 | 2881 |
J. Davila-Rodriguez, F. N. Baynes, A. D. Ludlow, T. M. Fortier, H. Leopardi, S. A. Diddams, and F. Quinlan | Compact, thermal-noise-limited reference cavity for ultra-low-noise microwave generation | Opt. Lett. | 42 | 1277-1280 | 20170323 | 2890 |
T. M. Fortier, A. Rolland, F. Quinlan, F. N. Baynes, A. J. Metcalf, A. Hati, A. Ludlow, N. Hinkley, M. Shimizu, T. Ishibashi, J. C. Campbell, and S. A. Diddams | Optically referenced broadband electronic synthesizer with 15 digits of resolution | Laser Photonic Rev. | 10 | 780-790 | 20160905 | 2785 |
W. Loh, M. T. Hummon, H. F. Leopardi, T. M. Fortier, F. Quinlan, J. Kitching, S. B. Papp, and S. A. Diddams | Microresonator Brillouin laser stabilization using a microfabricated rubidium cell | Opt. Express | 24 | 14513-14524 | 20160617 | 2845 |
A. J. Metcalf, F. Quinlan, T. M. Fortier, S. A. Diddams, and A. M. Weiner | Broadly tunable, low timing jitter, high repetition rate optoelectronic comb generator | Electron. Lett. | 51 | 1596-1598 | 20151001 | 2780 |
W. Loh, A. Green, F. Baynes, D. Cole, F. Quinlan, H. Lee, K. Vahala, S. Papp, and S. A. Diddams | Dual-microcavity narrow-linewidth Brillouin laser | Optica | 2 | 225-232 | 20150305 | 2754 |
F. N. Baynes, F. Quinlan, T. M. Fortier, Q. Zhou, A. Beling, J. C. Campbell, and S. A. Diddams | Attosecond timing in optical-to-electrical conversion | Optica | 2 | 141-146 | 20150210 | 2755 |
W. Sun, F. Quinlan, T. M. Fortier, J.-D. Deschenes, Y. Fu, S. A. Diddams, and J. C. Campbell | Broadband Noise Limit in the Photodetection of Ultralow Jitter Optical Pulses | Phys. Rev. Lett. | 113 | 203901-5 | 20141114 | 2746 |
E. Rouvalis, F. N. Baynes, X. Xie, K. Li, Q. Zhou, F. Quinlan, T. M. Fortier, S. A. Diddams, A. G. Steffan, A. Beling, and J. C. Campbell | High-Power and High-Linearity Photodetector Modules for Microwave Photonic Applications | J. Lightwave Technol. | 32 | 3810-3816 | 20141015 | 2726 |
S. B. Papp, K. Beha, P. Del'Haye, F. Quinlan, H. Lee, K. Vahala, and S. A. Diddams | Microresonator frequency comb optical clock | Optica | 1 | 10-14 | 20140722 | 2699 |
F. Quinlan, F. N. Baynes, T. M. Fortier, Q. Zhou, A. Cross, J. Campbell, and S. A. Diddams | Optical amplification and pulse interleaving for low-noise photonics microwave generation | Opt. Lett. | 39 | 1581-1584 | 20140512 | 2713 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, C. Barnes, D. Lirette, T. Fortier, F. Quinlan, J. A. DeSalvo, A. Ludlow, S. A. Diddams, and D. A. Howe | State-of-the-Art RF Signal Generation From Optical Frequency Division | IEEE T. Ultrason. Ferr. | 60 | 1796-1803 | 20130902 | 2646 |
F. Quinlan, T. M. Fortier, H. Jiang, and S. A. Diddams | Analysis of shot noise in the detection of ultrashort optical pulse trains | J. Opt. Soc. Am. B | 30 | 1775-1785 | 20130531 | 2676 |
T. M. Fortier, F. Quinlan, A. Hati, C. Nelson, J. A. Taylor, Y. Fu, J. Campbell, and S. A. Diddams | Photonic microwave generation with high-power photodiodes | Opt. Lett. | 38 | 1712-1714 | 20130514 | 2665 |
F. Quinlan, T. M. Fortier, H. Jiang, A. Hati, C. Nelson, Y. Fu, J. Campbell, and S. A. Diddams | Exploiting shot noise correlations in the photodetection of ultrashort optical pulse trains | Nat. Photonics | 7 | 290-293 | 20130310 | 2649 |
T. M. Fortier, C. W. Nelson, A. Hati, F. Quinlan, J. Taylor, H. Jiang, C. W. Chou, T. Rosenband, N. Lemke, A. Ludlow, D. Howe, C. W. Oates and S. A. Diddams | Sub-femtosecond absolute timing jutter with a 10 GHz hybrid photonic-microwave oscillator | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 100 | 231111-3 | 20120607 | 2601 |
H. Jiang, J. Taylor, F. Quinlan, T. Fortier, S. Diddams, Y. Fu, Z. Li, and J. C. Campbell | Photodetection noise reduction of a 10 GHz fiber-laser-based photonic microwave generator | Proc. 2012 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 379-381 | 20120524 | 2642 |
T. M. Fortier, C. W. Nelson, A. Hati, F. Quinlan, J. Taylor, H. Jiang, C. W. Chou, N. Lemke, A. Ludlow, D. Howe, C. W. Oates, and S. A. Diddams | A hybrid 10 GHz photonic-microwave oscillator with sub-femtosecond absolute timing jitter | Proc. 2012 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 763-764 | 20120524 | 2634 |
A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, C. Barnes, D. Lirette, J. A. DeSalvo, T. Fortier, F. Quinlan, A. Ludlow, T. Rosenband, S. A. Diddams, and D. A. Howe | Ultra-low-noise Regenerative Frequency Divider for High Spectral Purity RF Signal Generation | Proc. 2012 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 625-628 | 20120524 | 2625 |
G. G. Ycas, F. Quinlan, S. A. Diddams, S. Osterman, S. Mahadevan, S. Redman, R. Terrien, L. Ramsey, C. F. Bender, B. Botzer, and S. Sigurdsson | Demonstration of on-sky calibration of astronomical spectra using a 25 GHz near-IR laser frequency comb | Opt. Express | 20 | 6631-6643 | 20120306 | 2587 |
S. L. Redman, G. G. Ycas, R. Terrien, S. Mahadevan, L. W. Ramsey, C. F. Bender, S. N. Osterman, S. A. Diddams, F. Quinlan, J. E. Lawler, and G. Nave | A High-Resolution Atlas of Uranium Neon in the H Band | Astrophys. J. Suppl. S. | 199 | 1-11 | 20120203 | 2566 |
H. Jiang, J. Taylor, F. Quinlan, T. Fortier, and S. A. Diddams | Noise floor reduction of an Er:fiber laser-based photonic microwave generator | IEEE Photonics Journal | 3 | 1004-1012 | 20111201 | 2578 |
F. Quinlan, T. M. Fortier, M. S. Kirchner, J. A. Taylor, M. J. Thorpe, N. Lemke, A. D. Ludlow, Y. Jiang, C. W. Oates, and S. A. Diddams | Ultralow phase noise microwave generation with an Er:fiber-based optical frequency divider | Opt. Lett. | 36 | 3260-3262 | 20110815 | 2542 |
T. M. Fortier, M. S. Kirchner, F. Quinlan, J. Taylor, J. C. Bergquist, T. Rosenband, N. Lemke, A. Ludlow, Y. Jiang, C. W. Oates, and S. A. Diddams | Generation of Ultrastable microwaves via optical frequency division | Nat. Photonics | 5 | 425-429 | 20110626 | 2479 |
T. M. Fortier, M. S. Kirchner, F. Quinlan, J. A. Taylor, N. Lemke, A. Ludlow, Y. Jiang, T. Rosenband, J. C. Bergquist, C. W. Oates and S. A. Diddams | Photonically Generated 10 GHz Microwaves with Clost-to-Carrier Phase Noise < -100 dBc/Hz | Proc. 2011 Joint Mtg. IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. And EFTF Conf. | | 915-916 | 20110502 | 2576 |
J. Taylor, S. Datta, A. Hati, C. Nelson, F. Quinlan, A. Joshi, and S. A. Diddams | Characterization of Power-to-Phase Conversion in High-Speed P-I-N Photodiodes | IEEE Photonics Journal | 3 | 140-151 | 20110201 | 2494 |
G. Ycas, F. Quinlan, S. Osterman, G. Nave, C. J. Sansonetti, and S. A. Diddams | An optical frequency comb for infrared spectrograph calibration | Proc. 2010 SPIE Conf. | 7735 | 77352R-11 | 20101117 | 2466 |
F. Quinlan, G. Ycas, S. Osterman, and S. A. Diddams | A 12.5 GHz-spaced optical frequency comb spanning >400 nm for near-infrared astronomical spectrograph calibration | Rev. Sci. Instrum. | 81 | 063105 (9) | 20100610 | 2448 |
J. A. Taylor, F. Quinlan, A. Hati, C. W. Nelson, S. A. Diddams, S. Datta, and A. Joshi | Phase Noise in the Photodetection of Ultrashort Optical Pulses | Proc. 2010 IEEE Intl. Freq. Cont. Symp. | | 684-688 | 20100602 | 2465 |
J. A. Taylor, F. Quinlan, and S. A. Diddams | Characterization of Noise Properties in Photodectors: A Step Toward Ultra-Low Noise Microwaves | Proc. 2009 PTTI Mtg. | | 339-349 | 20091116 | 2434 |