We have arranged opportunities for companies to be recognized
for supporting this industry-neutral event. These limited options are available on a first-come
first-served basis. Sponsorship or exhibiting provides the opportunity to give a short vendor
presentation to the full Workshop.
Sponsorships Available
Please contact Wendy McBride: [email protected]
All talks and the overall tone of WSTS are industry-neutral. Sponsorship allows your company to have a presence and
let participants know of its support for the Workshop.
Sponsorship includes:
- The opportunity to display a sign up to 2' x 3' at the sponsored event.
- Sponsors may present a short talk to the Workshop during the vendor talks.
- Company logo will be listed on the agenda for the sponsored event, which is shown from the Workshop screen between talks.
- Thanks will be given for sponsors when the event is announced.
Sponsorship costs will depend upon the number of attendees. For 100 people the costs before tax are approximately:
Breakfast (any of three days) $3100.
Refreshments (any of three days) $3100.
Lunches (days one or three -- day two is taken) $4700.
Reception (first evening only) $9500.
Workshop Dinner (second evening only) -- already taken
Sponsors of events over $4000 additionally receive a free standard exhibitor's 30" x 6' table in the exhibitor's room (see below).
Sponsors of events over $8000 also receive the opportunity to have two full attendees to the Workshop at a special $400 rate.
For sponsoring any of these events or to customize to meet your requirements, please contact Wendy McBride:
[email protected]
Wendy McBride
Conference Program Manager
Directors Office, Mail Stop 104.01
National Institute of Standards and Technology
325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3338 USA
Voice: 303-497-3693
FAX: 303-497-5208
Options for Exhibiting
There will be room for 12 exhibit tables in the exhibit/break area. Twice daily coffee breaks will be
in this room. This room will also be the closest to the presentation room available for exhibits.
Participants will pass near here as they enter and exit. There will be daily breakfasts and lunches, and the first day evening
reception when participants will also have the opportunity of visiting the exhibits.
To see the layout of the 30" x 6' tables in the room, click
Basic Cost: $1500. (to be paid directly to the Omni Hotel), for which each exhibitor will receive:
1. Food and beverage for all events (Breakfast, lunch, break food for three days and one reception) for two contacts per booth.
2. One 30" x 6' table with skirting and 2 chairs.
3. 2 copies of the usb drive with conference materials.
4. Exhibitors may present a short talk to the Workshop during the vendor talks.
5. Additional audiovisual needs may be arranged through the Omni Hotel.
Please note that no attendance in the Workshop talks is included in the exhibitor fee.
All exhibitors must fill out the Exhibitor Request Form and FAX it to Tamara Full at the Omni Hotel. Please call or e-mail Tamara Full for more information:
[email protected]
Conference Planner
Omni Interlocken Resort
500 Interlocken Blvd.
Broomfield, CO 80021
303-494-3250 fax