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SIM TFWG Workshop and Planning Meeting at CENAM

Queretaro, Mexico (October 15th through October 17th, 2012)

Attendees of October 2012 SIM meeting in Mexico

  • Schedule in PDF format

  • List of Attendees

    Day 1 (Monday, October 15th)

  • Welcome to CENAM Presentation and a look at the CENAM time and frequency laboratory (Bienvenida y presentacion del CENAM)
    Mauricio Lopez, CENAM (1 hour)

  • Keynote Address - Introduction to Time and Timekeeping
    Judah Levine, NIST (1 hour)

  • General Concepts of Time and Frequency Metrology (Conceptos generales de la metrologia de tiempo y frecuencia)
    Michael Lombardi, NIST (1 hour)

  • Frequency Measurements (Generacion y medici�n de frecuencia)
    Francisco Jimenez, CENAM (1 hour)

  • Methods of Measurement in the Time Domain (M�todos de medici�n en el dominio del tiempo)
    Francisco Jimenez, CENAM (1 hour)

  • Statistical Analysis of Measurements (Analis estadistico de mediciones)
    Mauricio Lopez, CENAM (1 hour)

    Day 2 (Tuesday, October 16th)

  • Atomic Oscillators (Osciladores Atomicos)
    Mauricio Lopez, CENAM (1 hour)

  • The Global Positioning System (Sistema de Posicionamiento Global)
    Michael Lombardi, NIST (1 hour)

  • Common-View Measurements, the SIM Time Network, and Contributing to UTC
    Michael Lombardi, NIST (1 hour)

  • Building an Ensemble Time Scale from Multiple Atomic Clocks
    Judah Levine, NIST (1 hour)

  • The SIM Time Scale (Escalas de tiempo del SIM)
    Mauricio Lopez, CENAM (1 hour)

    Day 3 (Wednesday, October 17th)

  • The Network Time Protocol - Distributing the National Time Through NTP
    Judah Levine, NIST (1 hour)

  • NTP Measurements Made at CENAM, Demonstration and Overview
    Francisco Jimenez, CENAM (1 hour)

  • CMCs and the BIPM Key Comparison Database
    Raul Solis, CENAMEP (1 hour)

  • Reports of Time and Frequency Activities from SIM Laboratories (3 hours and 30 minutes)