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Dr. Judah Levine

Picture of Judah Levine


  • B. A., 1960, Yeshiva College
  • M. S., 1963, Ph.D., 1966, New York University
  • NSF/NATO Postdoctoral Fellow, 1966-67 Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford University
  • Founder's Day Award, New York University, October, 1966
  • Special Achievement Award, NBS, July 1972
  • Award for Special Service, (Time Scale Algorithm), NBS, August 1978
  • Department of Commerce Bronze Medal, August 1980
  • Award for Outstanding Achievement in Service to the Public, Denver Federal Executive Board, June 1981
  • Department of Commerce Gold Medal, August 1983
  • NIST Allen V. Astin Measurement Science Award, December 1998

    Current Positions

  • Physicist, Time and Frequency Division, NIST
  • Fellow of JILA (http://jilawww.Colorado.edu)
  • Professor Adjoint, Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder
  • Fellow of the American Physical Society
  • Member of the American Geophysical Union
  • Member of the American Association of Physics Teachers
  • Chair, BIPM Committee on GPS and GLONASS Time Transfer Standards
  • Member,Institute for Defense Analyses study on Military Critical Technologies:

    Research Interests

  • Characterizing clocks: developing time scales and algorithms

    This work includes the operation of the hardware that measures the times of the clocks in the NIST clock ensemble, the analysis of these data using the AT1 time scale and the processes that display, analyze and transmit its results. A complete upgrade of the clock measurement system is planned for 2000-2001, and this upgrade will probably also include a complete re-design of these algorithms.

  • National and International time coordination

    This work includes steering UTC(NIST) to UTC using data received from the BIPM, and transmitting clock data to the BIPM and to other national laboratories. It also includes studies of methods for time transfer using both satellite and ground-based techniques.

  • Digital Time Services
  • Carrier-phase GPS
  • Authentication and certification of time signals


    D. W. Allan, Judah Levine, D. D. Davis and M. A. Weiss, Patent 5,274,545, "Device and Method for Providing Accurate Time and/or Frequency," issued 28 December 1993.

    Judah Levine, Patent Application 08/508,747, "A Time-Stamp Service for the National Information Network, filed 28 July 1995.


  • Recent Publications
  • All Publications
  • Lecture Notes: Legal Traceability of Time Signals

    Contact Information

    JILA Address:

    S460, JILA Building
    Campus Box 440
    University of Colorado
    Boulder, Colorado 80309-0440
    (303) 492-7785 (voice)
    (303) 492-5235 (fax)
    [email protected]

    NIST Address:

    Time and Frequency Division
    Mail Stop 847
    325 Broadway
    Boulder, Colorado 80305-3337
    (303) 497-3903 (voice)
    (303) 497-6461 (fax)
    [email protected]
